
There are 12 repositories under senna topic.

  • liferay/senna.js

    :seedling: A blazing-fast Single Page Application engine

  • liferay/

    :seedling: Website of Senna.js library

  • FG98F/senna-bot

    Bot WhatsApp Multi Lenguaje

  • jawahar273/practNLPTools-lite

    Practical Natural Language Processing Tools for Humans is build on the top of Senna Natural Language Processing (NLP) predictions: part-of-speech (POS) tags, chunking (CHK), name entity recognition (NER), semantic role labeling (SRL) and syntactic parsing (PSG) with skip-gram all in Python and still more features will be added. The website give is for downlarding Senna tool

  • jawahar273/SRLTagger

    Senna is a powerful tool for NLP with the help of Senna the process like NER, POS, Chunker and SRL process can be done but NLTK have a interface mode to Senna but don't provide interface compelete use of the tool( lack api SRL). Sematic Role Labelling is process using NLP.

  • smclab/liferay-7-workspace

    Liferay Workspace Project hosting modules developed by SMC for Liferay 7

  • noccer/data-of-f1

    Experimental site where I let you change the course of F1 history by removing drivers and reallocating their points. You can even swap points schemas between the last 4 schemas: 1991, 2003, 2010 and the infamous double points ending for 2014.

  • JuniorUbarana/tribute-page

    freeCodeCamp challenge - Ayrton Senna's tribute

  • nx-lr/td_theme_vscode

    A collection of True-Damage inspired personal themes for Visual Studio Code

  • gdcmarinho/senna

    Performance measurement made easy

  • Betterpath/Pract-NLP-Tools

    Practical Natural Language Processing Tools for Humans. Dependency Parsing, Syntactic Constituent Parsing, Semantic Role Labeling, Named Entity Recognisation, Shallow chunking, Part of Speech Tagging, all in Python.

  • cirillom/ParaSempreSenna

    Simcade Formula 1 (MP4/4 1988)
