There are 586 repositories under servlet-jsp topic.
Doctor Patient Portal is an Advance Java Project. Technology used in this project: Advance JAVA concepts like JSP, JSTL, Servlet, HTML, CSS, Boostrap 5 and MySQL
Web application for Hospital management using JAVA Servlets and Tomcat server. Database is maintained using MySQL.
Airline reservation system using JSP, Servlet, MySQL.
An Web App to buy or sell vehicles. Developed using Java Servlets, JSP templates, JDBC driver and mySQL database
Develop the web application like social media using JAVA Servlet & JSP. In this application, we able to view friend's post and profile, add and update own post, update own profile, and chat with friends.
Online Election Voting System developed in Advance Java.
java8 + servlet + jsp + MySQL8.0.17 + c3p0 + DBUtils + Xadmin 实现图书馆管理系统
Booking system for hotel. Full-Stack using Java, MySql, JS/HTML/CSS & Heroku
♨️ This project aims to implement an e-commerce web application for sales management, which handles online purchase of items using JEE with its frameworks. The choice of the design method has been the "UML" method. As for the technical aspect, we will use a set of tools such as Hibernate, Struts, Spring, HTML, CSS, jQuery, and MySQL.
Web bán máy tính java: servlet + jsp + sqlserver + tomcat (Eclipse)
Blog by using HTML/CSS/JS/jQuery for front-end; Servlet/jsp for back-end; MySQL for database.
This is a Full Stack Web Application for the Hotel Management. Through this Web Application the Hotel can manage guest details, there bookings and their queries and feedbacks
Online paint web application
A Java based web app for ToDo activities.
Emergency Alert (Bed Booking System For Hospital)
Java Bookmanager Web Application
Short Course JEE 8 Spring Boot 3 and same example with Spring Boot 2
This project is a database-driven product shopping system developed using JSP (JavaServer Pages) and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity).
:busts_in_silhouette: The MADANA Community Hub is the future home of our community. Here you will be able to get the newest information about the progress and development of MADANA, engage actively in community campaigns and express your opinion on relevant topics.
Roomer is an online Hotel Booking Web Application. It also consist the Roomer-Enterprise where one can upload his/her hotel rooms which can be booked by the customers. Session Handling is maintained properly hence multiple users can access the website by just creating an account and signing in.
"Examily" is a quiz-based examination platform for University level courses. Tech Stack: HTML / CSS / JavaSript / Bootstrap, Java 11 / Java EE version 8 (Jakarta EE version 8), Java JSP, Java Servlet , JDBC, MySQL.
WeatherApp is a simple Java web application developed using Servlets, JSP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It integrates with the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch weather data for a given city and display it to the user.
This is web application based on E-farming named DigiAgro. In which farmers can buy product related to their farms . in this application we used html, CSS and Bootstrap for designing part and in backend we used JAVA. In this application there are various functionalities, farmers can login with their account and buy products. After selecting product they have to submit their personal details and address for delivered that product at that location. We use MySQL database and we use Tomcat server for our application to see java-server-pages and servlet.
Cette application permet l'enregistrement et la gestion des informations des employés
The objective of the project is to deliver an efficient Courier Management System whose main functionality apart from calculating the courier bill include predicting the time required to reach the destination. As per our client requirement, our main object should be managing consignment in an effective manner. The Proposed System is eliminating all problem of the existing system. And automate all process in high-tech. It should keep record of customer booking and delivery details and so on can be proficient without much effort the success criteria depend on. The accuracy in calculating the bill for each consignment. The accuracy in predicting the time required to reach the destination. User interface simplicity and user-friendliness. Apart from that we introduced Barcode system, which is in the form of slip paste over the consignment when it will be received by source officer and barcode number is also provided to sender so that they will be able to Track their parcel.
A website for Renting and Finding a parking spot. Use of Java Servlets, JSP and MySQL
Online recharge portal is a web app for illustrating mobile recharging facilities. Login, Registration, Add Operator, Add Mobile, Add Plan, Recharge these are features of this App.
Wipro PJP (Pre Joining Program) PBLApp (Java J2EE) Hands-On Assignments and Mini-Projects solutions of all TM.
Upload File to S3 with AWS Java SDK - Java Servlet JSP Web App
A Quzi Builder Web App