
There are 4 repositories under shamanism topic.

  • chiaraalexandrayoung/sciame

    Visual audioreactive investigation on Siberian shamanism curated by Chiara Alexandra Young and Maddalena Bellin

  • fitz-sevenHeadsOfGogMagog


    A port of an old wordpress site to simple Jekyll (work in progress)

  • KalinaLux/Dark-Flower

    Practice for NFA -MS1 Dark Flowering A Guided Sound Escape designed to take us deep into the darkest, hidden, caverns of our subconscious, where we may pull out weeds and plant fruitful seeds… Together we will terraform our cosmicbiome, heal, rest, restore and rejuvenate when we need a time out~

  • hermetechnics/cellulare

    A journey into the Network
