
Practice for NFA -MS1 Dark Flowering A Guided Sound Escape designed to take us deep into the darkest, hidden, caverns of our subconscious, where we may pull out weeds and plant fruitful seeds… Together we will terraform our cosmicbiome, heal, rest, restore and rejuvenate when we need a time out~


Practice for NFA -MS1 Dark Flowering A Guided Sound Escape designed to take us deep into the darkest, hidden, caverns of our subconscious, where we may pull out weeds and plant fruitful seeds… Together we will terraform our cosmicbiome, heal, rest, restore and rejuvenate when we need a time out~ .......

Featuring 33 HAND DESIGNED NFA’s done by Kalina Lux (No AI was used nor generative programs) At the intersection of technology, art, and profound self-advancement, the Dark Flower NFA project guides you through relaxing visualizations to tap into the power of your sleep and unconscious mind, unlocking your superhuman potential. Put your subconscious to work and wake up invigorated with creative ideas and solutions, be it for coding dilemmas or creative challenges. Each Rejuvenation Pod is meticulously designed to leverage specific brain wave states during sleep, providing access to your subconscious mind. This facilitates deep deprogramming of limiting beliefs and habits and their replacement with empowering ones. Embark on your transformative journey with Dark Flower, where sleep becomes a conduit for rapid personal growth and self-advancement. #HackYourDreams

This innovative NFA project on DERO seamlessly intertwines hand-crafted digital art with guided meditative journeys, designed to harness the potential of your subconscious mind during sleep.

Each Rejuvenation Pod is a unique audio-visual experience, leveraging specific brainwave states to navigate complex problems while you sleep and creatively solve them. These pods also facilitate the release of stored emotions and energy, shifting your mindset from struggle to ease, abundance, and creativity.

The collection is dynamic and uncapped, with new batches of images and audio content consistently released, ensuring a fresh and engaging journey each time.

Dark Flower is more than an NFA project. It’s a tool for personal growth, problem-solving, and deep relaxation.

Unleash the power of your subconscious with Dark Flower: Rejuvenation Pods for Deep Relaxation, and embark on a journey towards self-discovery and personal development.

