
There are 15 repositories under simplefoc topic.

  • SmallPond/X-Knob

    X-Knob - A smart knob based on LVGL UI library, supports Smart Home(MQTT) and Surface Dial (BT) // LVGL UI 框架下的力反馈智能旋钮 (smartknob + X-TRACK)

  • HuGuoXuang/Hyun

    轮腿机器人:主控esp32 ,陀螺仪MPU6050,PM3510无刷电机和simplefoc驱动器。

  • simplefoc/SimpleFOCMini

    Small package, low-cost BLDC diver board fully compatible with the simplefoc library

  • rosmo-robot/Rosmo_ESC

    Dual brushless motor ESC in #M5Stack module format

  • AmericanRework/SimpleMower

    Replace all circuitry and software of your automower. Add RTK GPS. Dead simple. Auto-mode rectangles or RC via browser + keyboard wsda. Husqvarna automower 450x + beaglebone blue + simplefoc rp2040 servo amps + zed-f9p. No boundary wire. No husqvarna-only tools. No ROS. Minimal complexity.

  • MackaJunest/Ez-Force-Feedback

    Simplefoc based low cost force feedback joystick base

  • p-rott/BLDC-Motorcontroller

    Arduino code for the STEVAL-GMBL02V1 BLDC motorcontroller, using SimpleFOC to modulate the motors

  • suryavip/wheel03-pico

    DIY Force Feedback Steering Wheel with Hoverboard motor and Raspberry Pi Pico

  • AmericanRework/Pico-2x-BLDC

    One RP2040 Pico drives two brushless motors! SimpleFOC + Halls + 2304 drivers + TO-220 mosfets or IGBTs. Plugs directly into 450x automower motors. Trying for low cost + lots of flexibility + solder it at home + repairable. Works as a 3x DC motor controller as well.

  • p-rott/Basecam-BGC3.0-Clone-Setup

    This is a short documentation on how to burn an Arduino bootloader to the BGC3.0 clone to use it for anything but the original gimbal application.

  • simplefoc/SimpleFOC-StepMini

    A miniature Stepper driver board based on the DRV8844

  • simplefoc/stm32pinouts

    Autogenerated docs providing an easy navigation of stm32 pinouts for different families

  • g921002/stm32Cube-simpleFoc

    * B-G431B-ESC1 * T-Motor MN5008 170KV * AS5600 - I2C * Arduino SimpleFOClibrary v2.2

  • runger1101001/simplefoc_funqi_example

    Sample firmware for STSPIN32G4 based BLDC driver

  • thijses/longboard_2024

    the code for my custom electric longboard (including custom ESC).
