
This is a short documentation on how to burn an Arduino bootloader to the BGC3.0 clone to use it for anything but the original gimbal application.


This is a short documentation on how to burn an Arduino bootloader to the BGC3.0 clone to use it for anything but the original gimbal application.

Connect +5V, GND, Reset, SCK, MISO & MOSI between BGC and Arduino, i used the following pins:

RESET = 53

SCK = 52

MOSI = 51

MISO = 50

Select 'ArduinoISP' from File -> Examples -> 11.ArduinoISP Define chosen pins in the script Select currently used Arduino board and port under Tools Choose 'AVRISP mkII' as programmer under Tools Verify and upload sketch to Arduino

Wire a 100uF capacitor between the pins 5V and Reset on your Arduino
Select 'Arduino Pro or Pro Mini' as board, 'ATmega328P (5V, 16MhZ)' as processor and choose correct port Select 'Arduino as ISP' as Programmer, then press 'Burn Bootloader' under Tools

Upload your sketches to the BGC by selecting 'Arduino as ISP' as Programmer and choosing Sketch -> Upload Using Programmer

Atmega328P pinout: https://preview.redd.it/bggdd9srui351.png?auto=webp&s=921ec4b761b0465685a39ff3ee45230ead62f877

BGC3.0 Clone pinout:

alt text