There are 9 repositories under social-dilemmas topic.
A custom reinfrocement learning environment for OpenAI Gym & PettingZoo that implements various Stag Hunt-like social dilemma games.
An OpenAI gym multi-agent environment implementing the Commons Game proposed in "A multi-agent reinforcement learning model of common-pool resource appropriation"
Code and materials for the paper S. Phelps and Y. I. Russell, Investigating Emergent Goal-Like Behaviour in Large Language Models Using Experimental Economics, working paper, arXiv:2305.07970, May 2023
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Environment
Participatory experiment, performed in the Biennal Ciutat i Ciència (Barcelona) and the citizen science festival Calidoscopi (Barcelona), that consist on a set of dilemmas to study how we behave in front of a situation of gender-based violence in public spaces. Natalia, Alex, Raquel and Sandra tell us situations lived in public spaces and participants have to decide to what extent do they intervene to alleviate the situation.
Participatory experiment during the open ceremony in FestivalTarrega with a set of games formed by Prisoner's Dilemma, Snowdrift Game and Dictator's Game
Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm applied to the Harvest Game, a multi-agent environment
A minimalist multi-agent implementation of the social dilemma problem with governance kernels
This fork adds multi-agent social dilemma environments in Gym: CoinGame, (Iterated) Prisonner Dilemma, Stag Hunt, Chicken, Matching Pennies. Gym: A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.