Participatory experiment, performed in the Biennal Ciutat i Ciència (Barcelona) and the citizen science festival Calidoscopi (Barcelona), that consist on a set of dilemmas to study how we behave in front of a situation of gender-based violence in public spaces. Natalia, Alex, Raquel and Sandra tell us situations lived in public spaces and participants have to decide to what extent do they intervene to alleviate the situation.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


CitizenSocialLab: consCIENCIES

Experiment designed and implemented to be performed in Biennal Ciutat i Ciència and the citizen science festival Calidoscopi.

This participatory experiment consist on a set of dilemmas that study how we behave in front of a situation of gender-based violence in public spaces. Natalia, Alex, Raquel and Sandra tell us situations lived in public spaces and participants have to decide to what extent do they intervene to alleviate the situation.

This experiment is performed in groups of 6 participants.

(c) All Rights Reserved by Thomas Vilhelm


Not available

Derived Scientific Publications

Not available


Steps are necessary to get consCIENCIES install, up and running in local network.

Creation of the project

Database MySQL
Create MySQL database: name_db
Create user database: user_db
Create password database: pass_db

Introduce this information about the database in: /consCIENCIES/settings.py

mkvirtualenv consciencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

mongod --dbpath /.../consCIENCIES/ddbb

Load text
File with text and translations: /.../consCIENCIES/game/i18n/translations.xlsx

python excel_to_mongodb.py

Run Server
python manage.py runserver localhost:port

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Run project in Local

Step 1: Run MySQL server
Run MySQL: mysql.server start

Step 2: Open terminal tabs and work on the environment

in Tab 1: MongoDB
in Tab 2: MySQL
in Tab 3: Run Application

Work on environment (in each terminal tab): workon consciencies

Step 3: Run MongoDB (Tab 1)
Run mongodb: mongod --dbpath /.../consCIENCIES/ddbb

Step 4: MySQL actions (Tab 2)

Directory: cd /.../consCIENCIES/
Database: mysql -u user_db -p (pass_db)

Drop database: drop database name\_db;
Create database: create database name\_db;
Exit: exit;

Modificate fields of database: python manage.py makemigrations
Refresh database: python manage.py migrate

Step 5: Load texts (Tab 2)
Load translations: python excel_to_mongodb.py

Step 6: Run Server (Tab 3)
Directory: cd /.../consCIENCIES/
Runserver: python manage.py runserver localhost:port

Access client

Client application:

Control and Administration:


Version 1.0


CitizenSocialLab is licensed under a GNU Affero General Public License

All the contents of consCIENCIES repository are under the license CC BY-NC-SA license


Julián Vicens


Julian Vicens: julianvicens@gmail.com