
There are 5319 repositories under tableau topic.

  • pandleau

    A quick and easy way to convert a Pandas DataFrame to a Tableau .hyper or .tde extract.

  • Google-Advanced-Data-Analytics-Professional-Certificate

    The Google Advanced Data Analytics Certificate contains information on how to use machine learning, predictive modeling, and experimental design to collect and analyze large amounts of data, and prepare for jobs like Senior Data Analyst and Junior Data Scientist.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook59
  • AndroidTableauLibrary


    AndroidTableauLibrary is an Android SDK library supports variety of analytic graphs which developers simply integrate on Android project. - by @sung2063

  • US-Stock-Prediction-Using-ML-And-Spark

    Predict stock price based on financial news feeds

    Language:Jupyter Notebook59
  • neo4j-tableau

    Neo4j Tableau Integration via WDC

  • Tableau-Powershell-Scripts

    Repository of Powershell Scripts for Tableau



    Language:Jupyter Notebook55
  • Data-Analytics-Customer-Segmentation

    In this project, a RFM model is implemented to relate to customers in each segment. Assessed the Data Quality, performed EDA using Python and created Dashboard using Tableau.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook53
  • AI-Makerspace

    AI Makerspace: Blueprints for developing machine learning applications with state-of-the-art technologies.

  • PPExtensions

    Set of iPython and Jupyter extensions to improve user experience

  • Data-Analyst-Nanodegree

    Kai Sheng Teh - Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree

  • games_night_viz

    #GamesNightViz is a 6-weekly Tableau community project focusing on using data from your favourite games to improve your skills with data visualisation, data preparation and visual design

  • Tableau-Extension-ExportAll

    Export Summary Data from a Tableau Dashboard to Excel

  • Customer-Analysis-Tableau

    This repository contains the data source and the tableau workbook used in my YouTube video:

  • postgresql-proxy

    Proxy server that intercepts (and modifies) packets

  • Faizs-Data-Portofolio

    This documentation is like a quick snapshot of my project in the data field, showing off my skills and know-how in this area.

  • seo-keyword-clusters

    An application using Machine Learning to automatically create clusters of queries from Google Search Console.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook35
  • Coursera_Data-Visualization-with-Tableau-Specialization

    Quizzes & Assignment Solutions for Data Visualization with Tableau Specialization on Coursera. Also included a few resources on side that I found helpful.

  • Data-Analytics-Made-Easy

    Data Analytics Made Easy, Published by Packt

    Language:Jupyter Notebook35
  • Global-Trade-Analytics

    The objective of the project was to create innovative and interactive Tableau dashboards that focus on potential commodities, countries, year, trade amount and quantity. The client wanted to launch a new business unit, focusing on global trade and logistics, majorly in the countries such as USA, Canada and Australia The dataset provided by the client contained 59090 observations of 10 variables. The client insisted the data to be cleaned using Excel or R. The Dataset contained missing values and was cleaned using the R programming language. Tableau dashboards were created from the cleaned dataset.

  • redis-sql-trino

    Real-time Indexed SQL Queries for Redis

  • Data-Analysis-Portfolio

    This is a repository that I have created to showcase skills, share projects and track my progress in Data Analytics / Data Science related topics.

  • datacatalog-connectors-bi

    Sample code with integration between Data Catalog and BI data sources.


    A Tableau Web Data Connector for connecting to XML and JSON data.

  • awesome-placekey


    😎 Awesome lists about awesome placekey related frameworks, libraries, software, tools, and resources

  • TATA-Data-Visualisation-Empowering-Business-with-Effective-Insights

    This repository holds all of the assignments I was needed to complete for the TATA Data Visualization Empowering Business with Effective Insights Virtual Experience Program. 📊 📈 📉

  • Sales-Insights-Data-Analysis-using-Tableau-and-SQL

    India based Hardware company Sales Insights - A Data Analysis Project performed on Tableau & SQL

  • Airbnb-listings-NYC

    Exploratory Data Analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook28
  • tableau_public_api

    Documentation relating to the Tableau Public API. Coded functions, and practical examples to follow

  • portfolio-dados

    Repositório de Projetos em Análises de Dados (buscando valor em dados!!!)

  • spotrix

    A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application. Unleash the value of your data. 📈 📉 📊

  • pygwalker-in-streamlit

    build visual exploration app using pygwalker in streamlit

  • Basic-CSV-WDC

    A Tableau Web Data Connector for connecting to CSVs hosted on the web.

  • databook

    A facebook for data

  • Netflix-Shows-and-Movies-SQL

    Using a combination of Excel, SQL, and Tableau, I delved into the extensive datasets comprising over 82k rows of data from Netflix's shows and movies library. Through data simplification and analysis, I uncovered fascinating insights and intriguing facts about the content available on the platform.

  • Data-Analysis-NanoDegree-2.0

    Udacity FWD2.0 advanced data analysis nano degree connect sessions

    Language:Jupyter Notebook25