
There are 2 repositories under taxnomic-classification topic.

  • bfosso/MetaShot

    MetaShot (Metagenomics Shotgun) is a complete pipeline designed for the taxonomic classification of the human microbiota members. In MetaShot, third party tools and new developed Python and Bash scripts are integrated to analyze paired-end (PE) Illumina sequences, offering an automated procedure covering all the analysis steps from raw data management to taxonomic profiling. It is designed to analyze both DNA-Seq and RNA-Seq data.

  • Nirmal2310/MetaSutra

    This pipeline takes the raw metagenomic WGS reads as an input, assemble them, separate the contigs in MAGs, taxonomically classify the MAGs and quantify the ARGs in the MAGs. The pipeline is built using R Shiny and people can run end to end analysis by doing few clicks on the screen.
