There are 23 repositories under thermostat-controller topic.
OpenTherm gateway for HomeAssistant
A library to interface with the OpenTherm Gateway through serial or network connection.
TuYa TS0601: Home Assistant automation for more accurate temperature control leveraging an external temperature sensor
Custom component for BAXI themostat integration
Termostat postavený na platforme Arduino s Ethernet shieldom Wiznet W5100 / modulom Wiznet W5500. Využíva teplotný senzor DS18B20 na OneWire zbernici. Arduino riadi výstup - relé na základe rozdielu cieľovej a nameranej teploty so zohľadnením hysterézy. Thermostat built on the Arduino platform with Ethernet shield Wiznet W5100 / module Wiznet W5500. It uses the DS18B20 temperature sensor on the OneWire bus. The Arduino controls the output-relay based on the difference between the target and measured temperature, taking into account the hysteresis.
Seeed Studio Xiao ESP32C3 Smart ThermoStat
WiFi termostat postavený na platforme Espressif - ESP8266 / ESP32 s využitím teplotného senzora Dallas DS18B20 na OneWire zbernici. Umožuje riadiť kotol signálovým relé ovládaným cez GPIO invertovanou logikou. Výstup je možné na základe firmvéru riadiť v automatickom režime s nastavenou cieľovou teplotou a hysterézou, alebo manuálne softvérovým tlačidlom. WiFi thermostat built on the Espressif platform - ESP8266 / ESP32 using the Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensor on the OneWire bus. It allows to control the boiler by a signal relay controlled via GPIO inverted logic. The output can be controlled on the basis of the firmware in automatic mode with the set target temperature and hysteresis, or manually with a softkey.
A super-simple thermostat for Home Assistant's Lovelace UI.
Simple bang-bang thermostat with minimal web interface for ESP8266
This is a Raspberry Pi powered, SQL server backed, touch screen friendly, web based thermostat.
A Homebridge Thermostat Plugin powered by Switchbot Bots
A collection of tools and files focused on Home Automation
Arduino/C PID temperature control system that keeps temperature within 0.05℃ of target temperature.
Smart home system with some Bluetooth devices and a Telegram bot.
Support for Hysen 2 Pipe Fan Coil Controller. Hysen HY03AC-1-Wifi device and derivative.
Support for Hysen Heating Thermostat Controller. Hysen HY03-1-Wifi device and derivative.
JavaScript thermostat with full scheduling and hysteresis customization. Uses jQuery & a minimal Flask server with PyHTCC, (Python library for Honeywell TCC thermostats.) Can run browserless with jsdom.
For ESP32, If you want to use the smart Thermostats but have a serial heating system, where one radiator off means all are in the line, this manages it so they all open until the room you want to be at the right temperature is reached, then it closes them all off.
Thermostat Controllers for Agronomy High Night Temperature (HNT) stess of crops
1-Wire-to-NTC adapter built on Arduino Nano Every
Zen Wifi Thermostat API client
Simple single-channel thermostat on ATtiny2313A