
There are 12 repositories under thresholds topic.

  • ahmetozlu/vehicle_counting

    Vehicle detection, tracking and counting by blob detection with OpenCV on c++.

  • wallet77/qualscan

    A CLI, and API, tool to run many quality check-ups on your javascript project.

  • VanirDev/VariantEncumbrance

    A FoundryVTT module, providing a visual modification to player character sheets to better display the effects of the Encumbrance variant ruleset in the PHB.

  • christokita/socially-modulated-threshold-model

    Agent-based model investigating how social interactions can result in self-organized behavioral specialization and social network structure.

  • libertymutual/react-responsive

    A collection of components driven by user defined responsive threshold definitions. Hide, Show, useThreshold, WithThreshold, and WithResponsiveProps.

  • HujieBai/DPTM

    Dynamic Panel Multiple Threshold Model with Fixed Effects Based on Maximum Likelihood Estiamtion and MCMC

  • Jaswanth-Batturi/Document-Scanner

    Detects the edges of the document and crops it and the scans the document image.

  • macedojleo/BDH

    Notify Linux disk usage through SLACK

  • passenger_satisfaction_stacking_anova


    The main objectives of this project are Stacked Generalization (Stacking) and comparing models with ANOVA tests. To do that I classify if a person flying with an unnamed north american airline company is satisfied or neutral/dissatisfied with their flight.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • merillium/filter_suspicious_players

    This is the repository for an app that downloads and extracts games, and trains a threshold model to determine suspicious players.

  • WendyOlsen/normslabourindia

    Predicting Child Labour Risks by Norms in India, by Jihye Kim, Wendy Olsen, and Arkadiusz Wiśniowski in the journal Work, Employment and Society 2022

  • gabriel-solon-padilha/predicao_qualidade_vinho_classification

    Meu quinto miniprojeto em que faço uma análise da qualidade do vinho usando modelos de machine learning de regressão linear e de regressão logística

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10