There are 50 repositories under tweepy-library topic.
The code uses the tweepy library to access the Twitter API and the TextBlob library to perform Sentiment Analysis on each Tweet.
A bot that tweets open issues labeled with "Hacktoberfest"
This Repository includes files of project predicting Cryptocurrency Ethereum price using Twitter sentiments and Machine Learning
A streaming ETL pipeline for Realtime Tweet Collection, Analysis and Reporting
Twitter Bot that tweets every 15 minutes quotes from lyrics using Twitter and API
Retweets search queries utilizing JSON configurations to allow for more control over content being shared. Supports Twitter API v1.1.
This is an intelligent tweet liker built by integrating Django and Docker
A small twitter web app created using flask and tweepy.
Simplifying Twitter APIs by leveraging tweepy library.
Simple projects that I have worked on during time off.
Twitter Bot. Tweets the temperature in Celcius from a specific city using Beautiful Soup and Yahoo Weather page, then tweets it every hour using Twitter's API with Tweepy.
A bot that allows you to fetch data, follower operations, read, write tweets, and allows you to do much-complicated operations than twitter-web
This bot every 2 hours sends a tweet of a random part of a song from the E-Girl Trilogy (I'm in love with an egirl, Your new boyfriend, Interned has ruined me) by Wilbur Soot or a part of a song from Lovejoy!
A Twitter Bot named Frank Grimes
This project is designed to classify the sentiments of the real-time Tweets fetched via Twitter API. Implemented in an end-to-end manner deployed using Flask Framework in Heroku Platform(PAAS).
this is a twitter bot created by using tweepy pyhton libarry and using twitter api
Twitter Bot that automatically retweets if it finds a particular set of words.
Python Tweepy is a library of functions dedicated to using the tweepy package for Python 3+
Python based sentiment and semantic analyzer that analyzes the twitter tweets (using twitter stream/search api) and news articles (using news api) for the terms like Halifax, Canada and visualize the opinions by comparing them with the list of negative and positive words. The project uses the processed words list to make word cloud on Google Tableau to get the current talks and viewpoints.
This is my common repository where i kept all my python files.Here i kept the simple or easy codes that i practiced sometimes to learn the basics of python.Nothing that much advanced.
This bot can take the dollar quote of the day and post it to twitter automatically every day. Este bot pode pegar a cotação do dólar do dia e postar no twitter automaticamente todos os dias.
A Python bot that automates several actions on Twitter like replying to tweets.
Disease Outspread Prediction and Analysis Using Twitter data and python
A django project for getting daily python tips from @python_tip on twitter
Allows you to search on Twitter. The search returns 100 "last" tweets max.
Our end goal is to provide users a curated data of our analysis through a website using machine learning, emotional analysis, NLP, tweepy, Twitter API, etc in python to find correct news or information of different languages on Twitter and help users to make informed decisions.
The purpose of this project was to work with the Twitter API to develop an automated bot account for my dog Bok Choy. This application tweets for my dog each day. A tweet from Bok Choy usually contains a mix of [woof, bark, bork] with a stunning and beautiful picture of Bok Choy.
A simple bot for my twitter account.
This is a Python script that uses the Tweepy library to interact with the Twitter API. This repository provides a tool for retrieving and displaying detailed information about Twitter users, including both the authenticated user and any other user by their username.
Trending hashtags on twitter with their retweets
In this section, we select any one of the Twitter handles of police in India. Preferably, handles that are verified or have a significant number of followers and tweets for a better quality of analysis. We detect different PIIs(for example - phone numbers, vehicle number plates etc.), users complaints, the response time of the Police account in replying to tweets by other users.
UEFA Champions league future results tweeting bot
Our team sought to perform sentiment analysis on Twitter tweets in anticipation for Hideo Kojima's video game release, Death Stranding, in 2019. We sourced the Tweets from two libraries, preprocessed them, stored them using MongoDB and then performed sentiment analysis.
This project is based on semantic and sentiment analysis of data scrapped directly from Twitter and News website.