
Twitter Bot. Tweets the temperature in Celcius from a specific city using Beautiful Soup and Yahoo Weather page, then tweets it every hour using Twitter's API with Tweepy.

Primary LanguagePython


Hello this is my own little project for learning and practicing on Python. I choose to build a weather data acquisition app because I consider them to be a easy challenge but they also have the potential to scale in a big way.

I'm using Twitter for displaying the weather data because I previously used IFTTT service to get the weather data and tweet this in like a "service" using the hashtag of my current city, and because of that I grow a small following user base.

By now, IFTTT limit the tweets you can send per day to 24 and that capped me by not tweeting the weather at every hour, (because I had a message that thank every one for following at a given time in the day), that's also a reason to build this and to have the potential to scale and do something else with the Twitter account and weather data.


Tw-temp is a Twitter bot that uses Beautiful Soup to gather temperature data from Yahoo Weather page (not using Yahoo API) from a specific city. Then using Twitter's API, tweets the temperature in Celcius with Tweepy module at every hour using Github Actions.


Tw-temp needs some dependencies for proper functionality:

  • Beautiful Soup 4 - Web Scrapper.
  • Tweepy - Client for Twitter's API.
  • html5lib - HTML Parser.


First sign up for Twitter Developer access using https://developer.twitter.com/

After forking this repo, you have to create some Github Secrets which are:


Each Secret must have the proper key generated at the Twitter's Developer page excepting the YAHOO_URL secret.

The YAHOO_URL must be a Yahoo Weather URL like this one in order to work:
