
There are 28 repositories under tweets-extraction topic.

  • iSarabjitDhiman/TweeterPy

    TweeterPy is a python library to extract data from Twitter. TweeterPy API lets you scrape data from a user's profile like username, userid, bio, followers/followings list, profile media, tweets, etc.

  • Medha11/Twitter-Trends

    Twitter Trends is a web-based application that automatically detects and analyzes emerging topics in real time through hashtags and user mentions in tweets. Twitter being the major microblogging service is a reliable source for trends detection. The project involved extracting live streaming tweets, processing them to find top hashtags and user mentions and displaying details for each trending topic using trends graph, live tweets and summary of related articles. It also included Topic Modelling and Entity Categorization to classify the tweets and extract valuable information about its contents and find similar tweets and related articles and URLs. A trending topic is represented as a word cloud created from set of keywords (hashtags or user mentions) that belong to that topic. Thus this application provides the required information to get an overhaul of the topics which are trending at that particular time. This data can be used to support social analysis, finance, marketing or news tracking.

  • petarov/shut-up-bird

    :bird: Put your tweets/likes in an EPUB and delete them like a boss

  • matteo-grella/tweetdeck-scraper

    A tool that continuously scrapes TweetDeck tweets

  • akiomik/squawks

    A cli tool to get old tweets as csv

  • ramtiin/Word-Clouds-With-Sentiment-Analysis-of-the-Most-Recent-Tweets

    Downloaded tweets from the most popular news agencies and extract keywords from them. In the next steps, I plotted a word cloud and did a sentiment analysis for tweets that have the keywords.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5100
  • abhishek9sharma/TwitterAnalysis

    Python Notebooks for Collecting Tweets and Analyze their text using various text classification and clustering techniques

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4204
  • Sy-Muzammil/Tweet-Crawlers

    Different tweet crawlers using tweepy

  • amansingh9097/scrapIt

    some handy scripts for scrapping data

  • coskundeniz/twitter-data-extractor

    Twitter Data Extractor

  • mucahidbal/twitterscraper-simple

    Scrape tweets without authentication using Selenium WebDriver

  • pragyakatyayan/Tweets_Dataset_for_Sarcasm_detection_in_Hindi

    Raw dataset having over 16000 tweets (including both sarcastic and non-sarcastic) for researchers aspiring to work on Sarcasm Detection in Hindi.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • rahulkarda/Tweets-by-Leon

    Leon's Twitter Timeline

  • kiran-lenka/Bitcoin-Price-Predictor

    Bitcoin price predictor and forecasting using sentiment analysis and LSTM

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1112
  • Manoj-2702/Squirtle-Techies

    Hydra AI: Geospatial Water Management System utilizing AI and NLP for real-time monitoring and optimized resource allocation

  • rahulkarda/100Devs-Tweets

    #100Devs Twitter Timeline

  • archelaus1/getTweets

    Get latest n tweets using R - one will need to have created Twitter developer account first and then have the API keys and tokens ready.

  • Arushi-Gupta07/Tweet-Sentiment-Extraction

    This project is about analyzing the raw tweet and extracting the text or phrase that best supports the sentiment and categorize tweet into Positive, Negative or Neutral sentiments.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • consciousAI/SocialMedia-Data

    Resource for downloading data from social media sites like Twitter, Facebook,...

  • JKL404/Twitter-API

    SAVE TWEETS 🐦 IN CSV. Easily collect tweet 🐦 data from Twitter in just one click.

  • NoSpringNoRain/Tweets-Analysis-about-Tourist-Spots-Recommendation

    In this project, we developed a pipeline to make recommendation of the best tourist spots by implementing sentiment analysis on related Tweets using Google's NLP services.

  • theQuert/COVID-Tweets-Summ

    Specific-Aspect Summarization on News According to Social Sentiments on Twitter

  • m7md-arwani/Twitter-Data-Extraction

    Twitter Tweets Extraction app

  • nidhisha-shetty/Tweets-based-on-keyword

    Python program to fetch all the tweets that contain a particular keyword from twitter.

  • nidhisha-shetty/Tweets-from-a-twitter-handle

    Python program to fetch all tweets posted by a particular twitter handle.

  • Salman-Khan-Mohammed/Tweets-Topic-Modeling-with-LDA-and-Interactive-Word-Cloud-Visualization

    This project focuses on analyzing tweets from Twitter using topic modeling techniques and interactive visualizations. It employs Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to discover topics within the tweet data and generates interactive word clouds based on topic-term strengths derived from the model. Users can explore topics and related tweets interactiv

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • TolstoyDotCom/SuedeDenim

    Javascript to parse "NewTwitter" tweets

  • usamafarooq1/Twitter-Scraper

    2024 Twitter Automation Bot Scraper | Automate the extraction of tweet data from Twitter using Python and Selenium. This project logs into Twitter, navigates to a profile, scrolls through the page, and collects tweets, including text, dates, links, and images.
