
There are 25 repositories under uiuxdesigner topic.

  • DevrajDC


    I'm Devraj Chatribin, with over 4+ years of experience in design & development with strong focus on producing high quality & impactful digital experiences.

  • PetProjects


    This repository serves as an exemplar of the capabilities of iOS development, showcasing the author's technical expertise. It provides an opportunity to explore the latest iOS features, offering insight into the seamless integration of modern design patterns and robust backend communication.

  • xdcode2/course-website

    Build a Responsive Landing Page Course Website in React JS

  • xdcode2/crypto-website

    Build a Responsive Crypto Website in React JS

  • DevrajDC/portfolio-v1

    Portfolio website with all my details including resume, education, skills, projects, experience and contact details.

  • luke-beep


    Hello, I'm Azrael (LukeHjo), a passionate software developer 🖥️ driven by a deep curiosity about how technology 🚀 can be utilized to solve real-world problems. With a background in both computer science 👨‍💻 and programming, I find myself at the center of coding and creativity, where every line of code is a step towards innovation.

  • lakshithaonline/UXUI-Hackathon-ThumbsUp-Application

    This is a description of our successful participation in the FOSS Community UX/UI hackathon, organized by NSBM Green University.

  • Vipin-Goyal/MI_Clone

    It is clone of mi website

  • afran2018/resume

    This is a resume-website that shows future employers my (Ade's) talents, skills, quirks.

  • FattahSalleh/fattahsalleh.github.io

    My personal portfolio built with React.js, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS, hosted with Vercel.

  • Gurvinder-Singh02/Cancer_compass

    Repository Name: Cancer Compass Description: This repository contains the source code and project files for cancer compass, a comprehensive mobile application designed to support cancer patients and their families. The app provides features such as symptom tracking, educational resources, and a chatting featured to for community support

  • nirdhum/my-portfolio

    Portfolio - Nirdhum - UI/UX Designer | Corporate Trainer | Product Designer | UX Engineer

  • abderrahmanehamim/Doctors-OnlineAppointments-Ux-Ui

    Ce projet concerne la conception complète d'une application médicale visant à faciliter la prise de rendez-vous chez les médecins. Les types de rendez-vous inclus sont les suivants : au cabinet du médecin, appel vidéo et à domicile. Ce projet englobe la création intégrale de l'app, depuis la conception du logo jusqu'aux différentes composants

  • Fnanhabte/fnanhabte

    <| Hello World |>

  • jitendrakohar/skin-cancer-detection-system

    Skin cancer detection is a project that aims to detect skin cancer through digital image analysis. The system uses machine learning algorithms to analyze images of skin lesions and determine if they are cancerous or not. This project can be helpful for early diagnosis of skin cancer, which can lead to better treatment.

  • JoshuasProgramming/FoodDX

    I created a fully responsive food delivery website from viewing a UX/UI design online. This website uses HTML, SASS & Responsive Design.

  • lightoftwelve/travel-tracker

    TravelTracker is a web application that allows users to create and manage their travel itineraries and bucketlists. It provides features such as creating a bucket list of places to visit, planning activities on a calendar, exploring destinations on an interactive map, and checking weather information for selected locations

  • JoshuasProgramming/HoneyPot-Furniture

    This was a coding test, which had me create a fully responsive ecommerce website from a UX/UI design. This website which uses HTML, SASS, JavaScript & Responsive Design.

  • lightoftwelve/its-quiz-time

    Welcome to Logic Lab's Know-It or Blow-It JavaScript Quiz. This engaging and dynamic code quiz presents an excellent way to test and improve your JavaScript knowledge. The quiz begins when you hit the start button, activating a countdown timer and presenting you with your first question.

  • lightoftwelve/securikey-password-generator

    Welcome to SecuriKey, where we take your digital security seriously! Imagine having a master locksmith in your pocket, ever-ready to conjure up the most intricate and impenetrable keys - that's us but for your online world! Built with the dexterity of JavaScript, SecuriKey is a marvel that generates passwords as unique as your fingerprint.

  • MurilodioPy/projeto-react

    Projeto para estudo do react
