
There are 4 repositories under vapour-pressure topic.

  • PyVaporation


    The solution for modelling pervaporation membrane performance based on experimental data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook711204
  • R-Rijnbeek/air_vapour_pressure_dynamics

    Repository with the basic functions related with the temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity and entalpy of the air with the different variable transformations

  • t97lee/VapourPressureGraph

    A very small project that incorporates the generation of vapour pressure vs. temperature graphs using Antoine's equation, Python, Streamlit and Bokeh.

  • kuulia/BESPE-MACCS

    A proof-of-concept type demo of the Binary Encoded SMARTS Pattern Enumeration + Molecular aCCess System molecular descriptor developed as part of Bachelor's Thesis: "Molecular descriptor engineering for machine learning predictions in atmospheric science." Includes a toy data set for demonstrative purposes.
