
Repository with the basic functions related with the temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity and entalpy of the air with the different variable transformations

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Air Vapour Pressure Dynamics

Repository with the basic functions related with the temperature, relative humidity, absolute humidity and entalpy of the air.

How it work:

  1. Create en python environent and install the package using de command:

    pip install air_vapour_pressure_dynamics
  2. Once you get installed the package you can import the packahe in the python module by:

    from air_vapour_pressure_dynamics import vapourpressure, absolutehumidity_kg_air,....


    import air_vapour_pressure_dynamics


  1. put or remove argument validation::
  2. Put or remove Units to results of validation::


Basic Example::

from air_vapour_pressure_dynamics import absolutehumidity_kg_air
temp = 25.5
rh = 86.8
absolutehumidity_kg_air(temp, rh)


Get units of calculation::

from air_vapour_pressure_dynamics import absolutehumidity_kg_air
temp = 25.5
rh = 86.8
ab_hu = absolutehumidity_kg_air(temp, rh)



  • Numpy
  • Sympy

But it is not neccesary to install those packages if you are going to use it only with generic integers or float numbers


  • Functions:

    • vapourpressure(temp)
    • density_air(temp, rh)
    • absolutehumidity_kg_air(temp, rh)
    • absolutehumidity_m3_air(temp, rh)
    • entalpie_kg_air(temp, rh)
    • entalpie_m3_air(temp, rh)
    • moisuredeficit_kg_air(temp, rh)
    • moisuredeficit_m3_air(temp, rh)
    • dew_point_factor(temp, rh)
    • dew_point_temperature(temp, rh)
  • Setters:

    • setApplyUnits(bool)
    • setArgumentCheck(bool)

And that it!!