
There are 82 repositories under wildfires topic.

  • ESA-PhiLab/PyRawS

    Python for Raw Sentinel-2 data (PyRawS) is an open-source software providing utilities to open and process Sentinel 2 RAW data, which corresponds to a decompressed version of Level-0 data with additional metadata. The software is demonstrated on the first Sentinel-2 dataset containing raw data for warm temperature hotspots detection/classification.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook684126
  • Orion-AI-Lab/wildfire_forecasting

    Deep Learning Models for Wildfire Danger Forecasting

  • Spot-Challenge-Wildfires


    http://ibm.biz/cfcsc-wildfires - predict the wildfire/bushfire area for 7 regions in Australia for each day in February 2021

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4110130
  • mnpinto/banet

    A deep learning approach for mapping and dating burned areas using temporal sequences of satellite images

    Language:Jupyter Notebook393313
  • datadesk/nasa-wildfires

    Download wildfire hotspots detected by NASA satellites and the Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)

  • televit


    Teleconnection-driven vision transformers for improved long-term forecasting

  • GSoC


    Alaska Project Ideas, mentored by the researchers and collaborators of University of Alaska and supported by open-source entities and enthusiasts in Alaska.

  • Wildfire-Smoke-Detection


    Convolutional neural network model based on the architecture of the Faster-RCNN for wildfire smoke detection.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17102
  • datadesk/inciweb-wildfires

    Download wildfire incidents data from InciWeb

  • datadesk/nifc-wildfires

    Download wildfires data from the National Interagency Fire Center

  • datadesk/nws-wwa

    Download watch, warning and advisory data from the National Weather Service

  • Multielio/Wildfire-Simulator-v0.9

    Simulator based on the real physical phenomenons acting in a wildfire, deals with wind, heat capacities..an more.

  • datadesk/noaa-wildfires

    Download wildfires data from NOAA satellites

  • pyro-platform


    Detection & monitoring platform of wildfires

  • hildobby/fire-suppression-abm

    Agent-based modeling 2D wildfire suppression simulator tool built on the mesa framework in Python

  • ireneshtepa/Project_planet_on_fire

    Live wild fire data visualization, historical data analysis, future fires prediction based on Machine Learning model


    SAVeTrEE is a script within Google Earth Engine for classifying areas of vegetation mortality. It prompts the user for a year, duration, and spectral index for which a mortality map should be produced, then fits a trend line to an imagery time sequence of vegetative spectral index values calculated from Landsat multispectral data. The slope of the trend line, as well as the spectral index values, are used in determining the final classification of each pixel within the study area. Classification categories are: 1) Growing 2) Mortality (declining) 3) Stable Vegetation and 4) Stable Barren.

  • datadesk/calfire-wildfires

    Download wildfires data from CalFire

  • Wildfire-Prediction-from-Satellite-Imagery


    Building models that can predict whether an area is at risk of a wildfire or not on satellite images.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8102
  • isaacarroyov/thesis_undergrad

    Documentation: Methodology and Exploratory Data Analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7105
  • jjdabr/BPINN-Wildfire

    Implementation of Dabrowski et. al., "Bayesian Physics Informed Neural Networks for Data Assimilation and Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Wildfires"

  • JorgeFCS/Deep-Learning-fire-segmentation

    Implementation of several state-of-the-art Deep Learning models for fire semantic segmentation.

  • Camilo-Mora/Diseases

    Systematic assessment of the impacts of climate change on human pathogenic diseases

  • manucabral/argview-reports

    Environmental issues reports from Argentina

  • mkmcc/ThomasFire

    Map of the Thomas Fire, using data from NASA's MODIS and VIIRS satellites

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6200
  • GabrielCarames/argview-data-visualization

    Forecast app from many provinces in Argentina

  • MatteoM95/CEMS-Wildfire-Dataset

    A large dataset (500+ images) of past wildfire from Copernicus EMS using Sentinel-2 images in the period 2017- 2023

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4200
  • Fire-and-Dryland-Ecosystems-Lab/SheFireModel

    Soil Heating in Fire (SheFire) Model: Annotated .Rmd scripts and an R package to build and use a SheFire model for how different soil depths heat and cool during fires

  • laulloliv/firesintheamazon

    Project FITA: Fires in the Amazon. WebApp para análise e classificação de imagens de satélite da Amazônia.

  • MattDorling/wildfire-dataset

    A superset of various wildfire smoke datasets.

  • pjn51/modeling-wildfire-risk

    Predicting wildfire risk using classification and regression tools. My final project as part of the Metis data science bootcamp.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3200
  • treboryx/greecefires

  • adamancer/ea-drought-burn

    Notebooks and code for evaluating the effect of vegetation mortality on wildfire burn severity in the Woolsey Fire

  • scucomplexfires


    A clean and lightweight website to provide essential information, resources, and links about the SCU Lightning Complex Fires.

  • ClassiFire


    Welcome to my Wildfire capstone project. This project develops a classification model to predict wildfires management complexity levels. This is a wildfire risk, size, and impact based project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • qgispe/Modelo-IncendiosForestales

    Modelo desarrollado en el ensamblador de modelos de QGIS; este modelo permite estimar el área quemada y la severidad de la quema.
