
There are 14 repositories under zhang topic.

  • bailus/tsai-calibration

    Estimating the parameters of a mathematical model to approximate the properties of a physical camera.

  • dmckinnon/stereo

    A tutorial on stereoscopic depth maps, focusing on triangulation and rectification

  • onurtemizkan/zhang

    Numpy implementation of Z. Zhang's camera calibration algorithm

  • dmckinnon/calibration

    What is a camera calibration, why is it necessary, and how do we compute it?

  • nuwandda/Checkerboard-Calibration

    Implementation of Zhang's camera calibration method.

  • naitri/camera-calibration

    A python implementation of Zhang, Z., "A Flexible New Technique for Camera Calibration"

  • ajoyola/OpenCV-Camera-calibration

    Camera calibration using opencv, measurement in mm, augmented reality, removal of perspective deformation. A lab session of the computer course in the AI Master degree UNIBO

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • Kolsha/stereo-calibrator

    Tool for calibration of stereoscopic system, with the possibility of minimizing the calibration error. Part of the thesis of a bachelor of physics at NSU.

  • KuangenZhang/KuangenZhang.github.io

    Kuangen Zhang | Homepage

  • yazanmaalla/Camera-Calibration

    Camera Calibration depending on "Zhang's method", using a planar pattern(a chess pattern), take a set of photos for this pattern from different positions( at least 2 different positions). Depending on information extracted from these photos we can determine camera's internal parameters . this method was applied to two sets of photos taken by two different cameras. The report is written in Arabic.

  • joaoalegria1/calibration

    Master thesis repository for calibration simulation. Under development.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • tanmay-pro/Photogrammetry

    PyTorch implementation of common photogrammetry algorithms

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • xiuzhenzhang/xiuzhenzhang.github.io

    Personal homepage: Xiuzhen Jenny Zhang, Professor of Data Science, RMIT University, Australia
