
Tool for calibration of stereoscopic system, with the possibility of minimizing the calibration error. Part of the thesis of a bachelor of physics at NSU.

Primary LanguageC++

Stereo Calibrator

A visual tool for calibrating the stereoscopic system. A chessboard is needed to perform the calibration. The number of horizontal and vertical boxes, the size of the square in any unit of measurement (meters, cm, mm, etc.) are specified, this unit will be used later in any measurement.


Provides some features required for camera calibration:

  • Capture images from a stereo pair
  • See, select, swap and resize images for calibration
  • Different evaluation criteria of calibration: OpenCV reprojection error, epipolar error, error of triangulation(described in paper), euclidean distance error(like a triangulation) , and combinations thereof
  • Automatic calibration search with the lowest error criteria value (local minimum)

The screenshot shows the behavior of the calibration evaluation criteria: OpenCV at the top, triangulation at the bottom.


A detailed description is given in the paper (russian).

Getting Started


You will need the following before you can get started.

  • Qt 4.8
  • OpenCV 3.4


Pull the project and edit .pro file for correct openCV path and others.

If you have any questions, please contact me.