
There are 29 repositories under zoning topic.

  • netnr/zoning

    中华人民共和国行政区划:省级(省份直辖市自治区)、 地级(城市)、 县级(区县)、 乡级(乡镇街道)、 村级(村委会居委会)

  • home-climate-control/dz

    Home Climate Control Core: *the* Open Source multi-zone temperature and climate control system.

  • Hawaii-Zoning-Atlas


    Interactive map showing how outdated zoning laws make it hard to build diverse, affordable housing in Hawaii.

  • code-for-nashville/nashville-zone-lookup

    Answering your Nashville acceptable land use questions

  • noclocks/municode-scraper

    Scraping the codes documented in the Municode digital library

  • DevanshuSave/deCAPTCHA

    CAPTCHA solver | Machine Learning | Neural Networks | Image Processing | Feature Extraction | Optical Character Recognition | MATLAB

  • policyclub/zoning-metadata

    Digitize Zoning Codes to estimate the Impact of SB 827

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8842
  • mezantrop/SAN-Storage-CLI-Toolbox

    Simple SAN/Storage Command Line tools and utilities for Brocade, IBM, Hitachi, HPE storage systems

  • Police-Zone-Redistricting


    Atlanta police zone redesign via data-driven optimization

  • pmacMaps/get-zoning-by-parcel-app

    Get the zoning district information for a parcel by entering the parcel's identification number or street address.

  • VERSO-UVM/VT_Zoning_Atlas

    The Vermont Zoning Atlas is a web-based geospatial interface that visualizes zoning code distributions across all of Vermont.

  • map-GilaBend


    MAG Gila Bend Zoning Viewer

  • KHwong12/OZP_buffer_stat

    Zone In: A web map application for users to interactively explore and investigate the distribution of land use zonings in Hong Kong

  • micahcochran/cs662-qa-land-dev-law-sys

    Question Answering system for Zoning Ordinance Laws

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1330
  • coraline9d/ClipBoard

    Learning of how modeling your project

  • NewportDataPortal/Newport-Parcel

    City of Newport Parcel and Zoning Data

  • PedroChoinski/SIGTIBA

    Sistema de Informacões Geográficas de Curitiba.

  • Ami-Solution/amishop

    AmiShop is an experimental Mobile Shopping UI which interacts with Amis and other designated smart contracts. It allows to reference shops accepting Amis and ETH, it also renders geolocalized stores accepting Amis ERC20 tokens.

  • jayybhatt/OCR

    A simple OCR to recognize Upper and Lower case English alphabets

  • myTerminal/zone-quotes

    A zone program to display quotes from a specific collection

    Language:Emacs Lisp20
  • myTerminal/zone-tunnels

    A zone program inspired from the old DOS game

    Language:Emacs Lisp30
  • NewportDataPortal/RIGIS-enterprise-zones

    Rhode Island Enterprise Zones are authorized by the Distressed Areas Economic Revitalization Act of the Rhode Island General Laws (RIGL) §42-64.3 and are limited to not more than five (5) contiguous U.S. census tracts or portions thereof. Exceptions to the five (5) census tract rule are prescribed in RIGL §42-64.3-5. The zones are delineated by U.S. census 2010 boundaries and defined under RIGL §42-64.3-5. Enterprise zone designation and re-designation are based on a number of distressed criteria including poverty, unemployment, and median household and per capita incomes. As well as non-demographic factors like economic development opportunities and potential, and defined course of action plans that including local incentives, resources and services. The Distressed Areas Economic Revitalization Act which spawned the Enterprise Zone Program was created to combat substantial and persistent levels of unemployment, blight, the spread of obsolete, dilapidated, and abandoned industrial and commercial structures and shrinking tax bases by stimulating economic revitalization, promote employment opportunities, and encourage business development and expansion in distressed areas.

  • NewportDataPortal/RIGIS-growth-centers

    The Growth Centers data on the Future Land Use Map were developed for the Division of Planning, RI Statewide Planning Program as part of an update to a state land use plan. These data are included in the Plan as Figure 121-02-(01), Future Land Use Map. The growth centers were an end product of a GIS overlay analysis of land suitability and scenario planning for future growth. Initially the factors for centers included 9 urban communities; Providence, East Providence, Pawtucket, Cranston, Central Falls, Warwick, West Warwick, Newport and Woonsocket as potential urban centers as opposed to identifying specific neighborhoods in those municipalities. Historical downtowns and traditional mixed-use central business cores in urban fringe / suburban communities were included as potential town centers, as well as, some of the historical village downtowns and some traditional mixed-use cores in rural communities. All communities in the State either include one or more existing or potential centers or are within the Urban Services Boundary on the map. The growth centers shown in these data were selected by the Statewide Planning staff, the Technical Committee and the State Planning Council through a series of discussions at public meetings, and comments received at public hearings and workshops in the final adoption of Land Use 2025 in 2006. Centers depicted on the Future Land Use 2025 map are illustrative of potential new centers that may be established. It is not a intended as a comprehensive inventory of existing centers. Other centers may be illustrated and or proposed in municipal comprehensive plans. Full descriptions of the methodology for the GIS analysis and scenario planning can be found within the Technical Appendix D to Land Use 2025, Geographic Analysis for Land Available and Suitable for Development for Land Use 2025. http://www.planning.ri.gov/landuse/121/D.pdf. State Land Use Policies and Plan was published by the RI Statewide Planning Program on April 13, 2006. The Plan directs the state and communities to concentrate growth inside the Urban Services Boundary (USB) and within potential growth centers in rural areas. It establishes different development approaches for urban and rural areas. This Map has several purposes and applications: It is intended to be used as a policy guide for directing growth to areas most capable of supporting current and future developed uses and to direct growth away from areas less suited for development. Secondly, the Map is a guide to assist the state and communities in making land use policies. It is important to note the Map is a generalized portrayal of state land use policy. It is not a statewide zoning map. Zoning matters and individual land use decisions are the prerogative of local governments.

  • NewportDataPortal/RIGIS-industrial-areas

    Land designated for industrial development by through zoning code or municipal comprehensive land use plans with development potential classification. These data are intended for use in statewide economic development planning.

  • NewportDataPortal/RIGIS-urban-areas

    After each decennial census, the Census Bureau delineates urban areas that represent densely developed territory, encompassing residential, commercial, and other nonresidential urban land uses. In general, this territory consists of areas of high population density and urban land use resulting in a representation of the "urban footprint." There are two types of urban areas: urbanized areas (UAs) that contain 50,000 or more people and urban clusters (UCs) that contain at least 2,500 people, but fewer than 50,000 people (except in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam which each contain urban clusters with populations greater than 50,000). Each urban area is identified by a 5-character numeric census code that may contain leading zeroes. These data are intended for planning purposes only.

  • Rosenkrands/zoning

    Code and files from a project regarding a UAV zoning strategy. The project was done for the 9th semester of the Operations Research specialization for the Ms.c. in Mathematics-Economics at Aalborg University.

  • zaneselvans/boulder-cooperative-zoning

    An analysis of how various zoning areas and property attributes in Boulder, Colorado would interact with different versions of a proposed ordinance legalizing housing cooperatives.
