
A bukkit plugin

Primary LanguageJava


A Bukkit plugin for Minecraft which adds Bomberman.

See more on the bukkit page: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bomberman/


This plugin is public domain. You can do what you like with it with no need to give any credit or add any licences :D The only exception is that Bomberman uses exp4j for calculations. That software is under the Apache licence 2.0.


To build bomberman, run

gradle build

The build.gradle file has been configured to let you automatically copy the generated jar to your sever:

gradle install -PserverLocation=/path/to/server

That line will build the jar, run the tests, delete any old bomberman plugin jar in the server and then copy the new jar across to the server ready to be loaded.

To work with Intellij, running gradle idea should correctly create an idea project.