CRUD App for Begginers

Node.js, Express, MongoDB

Part 1

This tutorial tackles a vital programming fundamental - CRUD.

Nearly every single application on the web today creates and manipulates data as a core part of its functionality. My goal with this lesson is to get a beginner developer with a basic understanding of the command line, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and an interest in the MEAN stack to take a massive step towards professional coding. This is not going to address all aspects of server-side code, but it will shed some light on project setup, routes and MongoDB.

I have set this project up with different git branches for the different sections. If you are new to git: this means the code that appears in your editor will change depending on which branch you are on. To view a branch:

$git checkout <branch-name-here>

To go back to the main branch:

$git checkout master

More on git version control.

Step 1 - Initial Project Structure


Install NodeJS.

This will also install NPM, which is an essential brick in your new path as a MEAN stack developer.

Some key words related to this topic that you may want to look up:

  • package.json
  • dependencies

Express Generator

We continue by installing the Express Generator via NPM. This will provide the basic project structure for our app. If this is your first web app, these files might be a little daunting. Thats fine. 'Slowly but surely' should be your motto. We will tackle some of the basics and leave some others for another time.

$ npm install -g express generator

Let's also install another dependency, httpie, which we'll use later:

$ brew install httpie

If you don't have Homebrew installed, go here. Homebrew, much like NPM, is a service that makes downloading and installing packages, or small programs, via the command line a breeze.

Create a Project

branch: first-generator

Anytime you start a new project, create a new directory to hold all of the files related to that project.

Make a new directory and CD into it:

$ mkdir mongo-crud && cd mongo-crud

Then run the express generator:

$ npm express-generator

The project structure we just created looks like this:

├── app.js
├── bin
│   └── www
├── package.json
├── public
│   ├── images
│   ├── javascripts
│   └── stylesheets
│       └── style.css
├── routes
│   ├── index.js
│   └── users.js
└── views
    ├── error.jade
    ├── index.jade
    └── layout.jade

Get familiar with this layout as it is super common in web application development.

In the terminal, in the root of the project directory (mongo-crud), run:

$ npm start

If everything is set up correctly you should see:

express default page

We are now going to setup our app's database, MongoDB along with the Mongoose framework.

Step 2 - MongoDB Set up

Set Up MongoDB with Mongoose

branch: third-mongodb

Start by installing Mongo and Mongoose:

$ npm install mongodb -g

This installed MongoDB on your whole machine so you can use it with all your MEAN projects - no need to run this command again.

$ npm install mongoose --save

This installed mongoose 'locally' - meaning only for this project. This concept of global and local is important. Have a look at the package.json file. We now have mongoose in our dependencies. If it is in your package.json file, then it is installed specifically for this project - and it's local.

Keep thinking about local and global as you create more projects, it will become more clear the more you code. For now, just know that NPM installs packages for use both on your computer (global) and/or within specific projects (local).

Let's look at the MongoDB through our terminal.

In the command line, in a new window, type sudo mongod, then enter your admin/computer password. This will start the MongoDB daemon. A daemon is a program that runs in the background, without direct user interaction. Now open another new window and type mongo. This is the command line interface (or REPL) for MongoDB. Enter the command show dbs to show any databases that you have created. If you are using mongo for the first time there will be nothing listed, which will change soon!

Next add a new file, database.js to the root directory add the following code:

// bring in mongoose and grab the Schema constructor
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

// create new Schema, setting keys and value types
var itemSchema = new Schema ({
    name: String,
    type: String

// create a model, which holds all of our Items
var Item = mongoose.model('items', itemSchema);

// set up the connection to the local database, if it doesn't exist yet one will be created automatically

// make the Item Schema available to other files
module.exports = Item;

This set up our database and added a structure in which to store our data - a.k.a., the 'Schema'. We created a place for all the data to be gathered, the 'model', and established a 'connection' to the database.

Defining a Schema

We have set both of our fields up to accept strings. If we try to put in a number or an object or an array, it will reject it. In most cases, it is valuable to specify the type of data going into the database for consistency and security. For example, if you make a query to your DB for items and their quantities you will probably expect quantity value to be an integer. This way you can do math on the quantity of chairs.

item = {
    name: 'chair',
    quantity: 8

item.quantity += 2

But, if you allow your database to take any type for the quantity value when creating items and their quantities, then you may end up with a string instead of a number.

item = {
  name: 'chair',
  quantity: '8'

item.quantity += 2;

==> {
  name: 'chair',
  quantity: '82'

So when trying to keep a database clean and tidy so that we can rely on our values, type restriction is a very useful technique.

On the other side of the coin, MongoDB allows for different data types to be passed in to the same field, which if used properly, is a very powerful tool. If data is often shifting and fields are being added or taken away, allowing for unspecified values is great. For example if you are keeping track of customers on a site you might have a key with a value that looks like this:

customerInfo: {
    firstName: 'Bob',
    lastName: 'Alvarez',
    city: 'Palisade',
    state: 'Colorado'

Now what if a customer is a business and not a single person? So 'city' and 'state' are still usable, but 'firstName' and 'lastName' may no longer work. MongoDB is very flexible because of the key value system that it employs. Let's pass in something more appropriate for a business.

customerInfo: {
    businessName: 'Denver Pizza Co.'
    city: 'Denver',
    ctate: 'Colorado'

Or better yet, one account is split between several businesses.

cutomerInfo = {
    businessName: ['Bluebird Theater', 'Ogden Theater', 'Dazzle Jazz Club'],
    city: 'Denver',
    ctate: 'Colorado'

This is a perfectly acceptable solution as far as MongoDB is concerned. With a relational database this would be a very different problem.

Possible schema value types:

  • String
  • Number
  • Date
  • Buffer
  • Boolean
  • Mixed
  • Objectid
  • Array

We can also pass whole documents (instances of a schema) as a value. As well there is a syntax for referencing other schemas to create relationships.

More info on Mongoose Schemas here.

Step 3 - CRUD Routes

branch: fourth-routes

Now into the meat of this tutorial!

What is CRUD?

  • Create
  • Read
  • Update
  • Delete

These are the basic operations that an app needs to perform when handling data. You may have heard of a RESTful API, which is similar, but with specific philosophies applied that are out of the scope of this tutorial. For more information on REST go here. As a programmer, if you can elegantly handle these actions then you are well on your way to turning your skills into a paycheck.

Let's begin with our index.js file We need to require our database file to get access to the Schema:

var Item = require('../database.js');

The 'out-of-the-box' setup that our express generator provided has 'express' required in our index.js and then sets the variable router to an instance of an express router object. This object will handle the transferring/serving of data as called for by our HTTP requests. The router object includes functions that we can call on to achieve our basic CRUD operations. When we define these CRUD operations using the router instance, we are creating routes. I think of them as pathways for data between our browser, server and the database. I packed a lot of info in there. Don't get bogged down in the exact workings of all of these technologies. The goal here is to expose you to these concepts and to get your hands dirty making them work. As time goes on, they will all slowly make more sense. Focus now on following all the steps and getting this app to work.

All of our CRUD routes will have a similar structure:

  • action: get, post, put, or delete
  • path
  • function were we define our logic (i.e., do stuff with data)
  • Mongoose query: find, findOneById, findOneByIdAndUpdate, findOneByIdAndRemove
  • response

Go here to checkout the Mongoose docs and the plethora of query functions provided.

So, lets get to it.


We need to be able to read, or get, all of the Items from the database.

// call the GET method, and define an anonymous function
router.get('/items', function(req, res, next) {

// query the data base to find all of the Items  
    Item.find({}, function(err, data){

// handle an error
        if (err) {
// handle an empty database by checking if the data array is empty
        else if (data.length===0) {
            res.json({message: 'There are no items in the database.'});
// if there are Items, return them  
        else {

There is a TON going on in there and if you are new to routes, it can be really intimidating. I broke it down it down somewhat in the comments, but we can dig deeper.

After we call router.get, we define the URL path, in this case /items. Our app will use this 'path' to utilize the GET functionality of the app.

Inside the function we use the Mongoose find() and pass an empty object. This says, "find all documents in this collection".

Inside another function we handle the different possibilities - error, no data, or data. Then use res.json() to return our information. The res parameter is short for response and the .json sends the information back in the 'JSON' format. More about 'JSON' here on the MDN site and here for a basic tutorial.


We are going to test this out with that 'httpie' we installed earlier. 'httpie' is a tool that allows us to test routes in the terminal. We test that our endpoints are being hit, examine what information we get back from different endpoints, as well as mock form submits and pass information. Remember, an 'endpoint' is the same thing as a 'route', it is the place where a path take us.

In the terminal, in your projects root directory fire up the database using sudo mongod, and in another tab also in the project's root directory, fire up the server with npm start. In yet another tab run:

$ http GET localhost:3000/items

You should see this:

httpie GET no items

You can see in the second line HTTP/1.1 200 OK, which means our route was successful and that the logic in our route was executed. That is a huge thing. Congrats! If you don't see this, you have to comb over your code and retrace your steps. Compare your files with mine. You'll find the difference. Hopefully.

You can confirm that this logic was correct because it returned, "There are no Items in the database." in 'json' format. Come back and test this some more after we create an Item.

Let's change the route path to illustrate a point. Run:

$ http GET localhost:3000/things

You should see this:

httpie GET 404

The important clue here is the '404'. We used a 'path' that was undefined, so there was nothing for the server to do with the browser's request. This is a 404 error. They are common in developing and tell you that you need to investigate your routes/paths.

If you were to get a '500', this would mean that your route was found, but that some sort of logic within the route was incorrect.

OK, back to the CRUD.


We need to be able to create information and add or POST it to our database.

// call the post method, and define an anonymous function'/items', function(req, res, next) {

// instantiate a new Item with the values supplied by the request  
    var newItem = new Item({name:, type: req.body.type});

// save the new item using a mongoose function, data){
// handle an error 
        if (err) {
// no error, then return the data in the json format
        else {

The comments sum up what is going on in this route, but there are a few new things in here.

Have a look at the req.body. 'req' stands for 'request'. It is an object sent by the browser with properties that we can access. We are grabbing the 'body' property and getting its values to instantiate our new Item.


Now we will test this out with httpie in the terminal:

$ http -f POST localhost:3000/items name="bicycle" type="vehicle"

The '-f' declares that we are mocking a form submission. Then we pass keys set to values.

You should see this:


Ok, awesome, we can create new Items. Let's now look a little closer at that json object that came back. It has a 'name' and 'type' property which we should expect. But it also has '_id' and '_v'. We won't worry about the latter in this tutorial, but I do want to look at the former.

'_id' is a unique id created by MongoDB when a new item is saved. It will always be unique. Always. This is important and it is extremely useful. A couple use cases are for finding documents in your database, or differentiating between two similar documents.

We are going to put this _id to work in our 'update' route.


router.put('/items/:id', function(req, res, next) {
    var id = {_id:};
    var update = {name:, type: req.body.type};
    var options = {new: true};

    Item.findOneAndUpdate(id, update, options, function(err, data){
        if (err) {
        else {

First off, we called put on our router object. This is just another word for update and it is the RESTful syntax for our CRUD app.

Look at the path that we defined for this route - /items/:id

The :id allows us to pass in a value with the URL and receive it on the server-side via the request object. You can see in the logic of the route that we are grabbing that id with The variable name you put after the colon is the variable name you will use to access the value within the route. Pretty cool. This means we have two ways to pass info to the route:

  1. via the URL, req.params
  2. via the body (possibly in a form), req.body

In this route we used both to get our update accomplished. There are many different ways to utilize this functionality and how you implement it will come down to the specific project needs.


http -f PUT localhost:3000/items/56295ec30358896ec84451e name='car' type='vehicle'

Heads Up! Be sure to use the _id of your item as it will be different from mine.

You should see this:



And for our final trick, delete.

router.delete('/items/:id', function(req, res, next) {
    Item.findOneAndRemove({_id:}, function(err, data){
        if (err) {
        else if (data.length===0) {
            res.json({message: 'An item with that id does not exist in this database.'});
        else {
            res.json({message: 'Success. Item deleted.'});

Go through and add your own comments to this route identifying what each part does. If you get stuck, go back and look at the previous routes for clues.


Sort out how to test this route in the command line. Look at the previous commands that we used for the other routes.

If all goes well you will see this:



This completes the server-side code for our basic crud app. Wow, that was huge. Don't worry if you don't understand it all completely. Sleep on it. And do it again, as much from memory as possible. Maybe next time, depending on the outcome of the request/response, send a custom messages back to the user. Change up the Schema to houses with colors, or cars with years, or friends with phone numbers and birthdays. The CRUD app is essential to you as a programmer, get really familiar with all of its parts. Another great tutorial on NodeJS basics is Getting Started with Node by my friend Michael Herman. Check it out!


  • API
  • CRUD
  • REST
  • Schema
  • Relational Database
  • Type Casting
  • Routes
  • Response
  • Request
  • JSON
  • Status Code

In PART 2 of this tutorial we will sync up the front end so that a user can use the browser to access all of our beautiful CRUD routes to create and manipulate data.

Hit me up by email or on twitter with questions or comments. Thanks for reading.