
A python-django project for transforming coordinates between the various Greek Coordinate Systems

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A django project for transforming coordinates between the various Coordinate Systems used in Greece.
You can try the app at https://survgr.herokuapp.com/

It is (will be for the time being) a website / web api for transforming earth point coordinates and other geometries between:


  • You need to have python3 and virtualenv setup for backend

To install and run the project locally:

  • Make a fresh python 3 virtual environment
  • Pip install requirements.txt for the back-end dependencies
  • Add a simple text file named ".env" with some environment values for
    • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=addasecretkeyhere
    • DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///survgr.db
  • python manage.py migrate to create an sqlite db with some initial data
  • Run python manage.py test for testing
  • Run python manage.py runserver to run the server locally