
This is a WEB API that works as a microservice within the Toposoid project. Toposoid is a knowledge base construction platform.(see Toposoid Root Project) This microservice integrates two major microservices. One is a microservice that analyzes the predicate argument structure of japanese sentences, and the other is a microservice that makes logical inferences.

Unit Test And Build Image Action

  • API Image
    • Input
    • Output


  • Docker version 20.10.x, or later
  • docker-compose version 1.22.x

Recommended Environment For Standalone

  • Required: at least 16GB of RAM
  • Required: 60G or higher of HDD
  • Please understand that since we are dealing with large models such as LLM, the Dockerfile size is large and the required machine SPEC is high.

Setup For Standalone

docker-compose up
  • It takes more than 20 minutes to pull the Docker image for the first time.


# Please refer to the following for information on registering data to try deduction.
# ref.
#for example
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "premiseList": [],
    "premiseLogicRelation": [],
    "claimList": [
            "sentence": "これは主張1です。",
            "lang": "ja_JP",
            "extentInfoJson": "{}",
            "isNegativeSentence": false,
    "claimLogicRelation": [
' http://localhost:9002/regist

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
    "regulation": {
        "knowledgeLeft": {
            "leaf": {
                "premiseList": [],
                "premiseLogicRelation": [],
                "claimList": [],
                "claimLogicRelation": []
        "operator": "",
        "knowledgeRight": {
            "leaf": {
                "premiseList": [],
                "premiseLogicRelation": [],
                "claimList": [
                        "sentence": "これは主張1です。",
                        "lang": "ja_JP",
                        "extentInfoJson": "{}",
                        "isNegativeSentence": false,
                "claimLogicRelation": []
    "hypothesis": {
        "knowledgeLeft": {
            "leaf": {
                "premiseList": [],
                "premiseLogicRelation": [],
                "claimList": [],
                "claimLogicRelation": []
        "operator": "",
        "knowledgeRight": {
            "leaf": {
                "premiseList": [],
                "premiseLogicRelation": [],
                "claimList": [
                        "sentence": "これは前提1です。",
                        "lang": "ja_JP",
                        "extentInfoJson": "{}",
                        "isNegativeSentence": false,
                "claimLogicRelation": []
}' http://localhost:9004/analyzeKnowledgeTree


  • This microservice uses 9004 as the default port.
  • If you want to run in a remote environment or a virtual environment, change PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS in docker-compose.yml according to your environment.


toposoid/toposoid-component-dispatcher-web is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.


Thank you!