Materials associated with the PyCon 2018 workshop on reproducible analysis in Python.
The proposal for this workshop can be found in the file.
🗒️ The slides for the workshop can be found here:
- Online html version: interactive slides
- PDF version
We will encourage discussions over the workshop, for this purpose we will be using an Etherpad. Click on the following link:
This material covers the basics of reproducible workflows in Python and is provided in the following sections:
- Setup: installation instructions for the workshop
- Setting up projects: advise on best practices to set up projects with a reproducibility-first approach
- Working with data: information on how to use, archive, and share data
- Processing data, workflows: producing automated wokrflows
- All things testing: introduction to testing of standalone scripts and Jupyter notebooks
- Making code public: how to share your code and being credited for it
These are complementary materials that you can follow at your own pace if you wanted to dive further.
- Getting started with Docker: introduction to containers and usage of repo2docker
- Sharing your interactive notebooks using Binder
The installation instructions can be found at
The development of this material was funded by OpenDreamKit, a Horizon2020 European Research Infrastructure project (676541) that aims to advance the open source computational mathematics ecosystem.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.