
ApisCP documentation

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Managing an ApisCP plaform
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Period integrity checks ensure your platform configuration never deviates from optimal.
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Batteries included
ApisCP bundles 1-click installs, anti-spam, malware, and firewall protection through an in-house architecture.
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API driven design
Everything in ApisCP revolves around its API, which can be called from the panel, command-line, or remotely.
Copyright © 2020 Apis Networks


ApisCP is an modern hosting panel + platform that began in 2002 as a panel for Apis Networks. ApisCP runs agentless and is 100% self-hosted. Licenses can be purchased from my.apiscp.com.


  • 2 GB RAM
  • Forward-confirmed reverse DNS, i.e. <-> apnscp.com
  • CentOS/RedHat 7+
  • Bare-metal or virtualization (kvm, xen, VMWare, Hyper-V). Containers (OpenVZ, LXC, Docker) are not supported.


See docs.apiscp.com. Installation may be customized using the utility on apnscp.com.


Use the Issue Tracker to post feature requests.


ApisCP is (c) Apis Networks. All components except for third-party modules and ApisCP modules are licensed under a commercial license. Contact licensing@apisnetworks.com for licensing enquiries. Any dissemination of material herein is prohibited without expressed written consent of Apis Networks.