Navcoind + Wallet + WebUI docker image, thats run the Navcoin Full Node to earn Proof of Stake rewards.
- Any phisical or virtual machine that support docker.
- 2GB to store the blockchain files (warning, the chain is always growing).
- And 1 GB of RAM.
- First you need to create a named volume
to persist the blockchain and wallet files:
docker volume create --name=navcoin-data
Or directly you can use a specific directory from the host, i prefer named volumes.
For know the difference, read this: Manage data in containers.
So if you want to reboot, upgrade or destroy the container, that files will be safe.
- Create the container:
docker run -v navcoin-data:/navcoin --name=navcoin-full-node -d \
-p 44440:44440 \
-p \
-p 8080:443 \
- Check if the container its susefuly created, and its running:
docker ps
- You can then access the daemon's output thanks to the docker logs command.
docker logs -f navcoin-full-node
- Put this
in your browser, add the self-signed certificate and dont forget to change the default password for the Web UI.
The smokebox web application has ssl-mod enabled for default, the certificate its created in the image building process, but if you want to create a new one, run this command:
docker exec -it navcoin-full-node openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 \
-newkey rsa:2048 -out /etc/apache2/ssl/navpi-ssl.crt \
-keyout /etc/apache2/ssl/navpi-ssl.key
Then we need to flush and reload apache:
docker stop navcoin-full-node && docker start navcoin-full-node
You can build the image with custom parameters like id's of your unprivileged user,
clone the repository and build the image with this args:
docker build --build-arg USER_ID=$( id -u ) --build-arg GROUP_ID=$( id -g ) .
By default the image is building with the user and group id = 1000.
To get the latest version of this image run:
docker pull sebaponti/docker-navcoind