
Jianshu website built with Vue2.0 family bucket, this is a whole website connected with front and back ends, including database configuration. Vue2.0 is used for the front end, and Express framework is used for the server

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build


  • Database configuration

If you need to run the entire program locally, you need to configure the database locally. The configuration information is written in the dbUtil/dbConnection.js file, and the sql statement refers to the jianshu.sql file

  • Vue2.0

  • Vue-Resource

Send http request

  • Vuex

Data storage

  • Server framework

Use Express to build a server and use NodeJS to write server code

  • Write articles

Integrated rich text editor to facilitate writing beautiful articles