
Awesome laravel packages


* <a target="_blank" href="">flysystem-qiniu</a> Flysystem adapter for the Qiniu storage.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-follow</a> This package helps you to add user based follow system to your model.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-uploader</a> An upload component that allows you to save more time playing LOL.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-wechat</a> 微信 SDK for Laravel, 基于 overtrue/wechat.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-socialite</a> Social OAuth Authentication for Laravel 5. drivers: facebook, github, google, linkedin, weibo, qq, wechat and douban
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-payment</a> Omnipay ServiceProvider for Laravel.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-filesystem-qiniu</a> A Qiniu Storage filesystem for Laravel.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-pinyin</a> Chinese to Pinyin translator for Laravel 5 / Lumen.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-youzan</a> Youzan wrapper for Laravel.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-ueditor</a> UEditor integration for Laravel.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-lang</a> 52 languages support for Laravel 5 application.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-shopping-cart</a> Shopping cart for Laravel Application.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-query-logger</a> A dev tool to log all queries for laravel application.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-summernote</a> Summernote editor integration for Laravel 5.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-emoji</a> This package assist you in getting started with emoji easily.
* <a target="_blank" href="">flysystem-upyun</a> Laravel 又拍云文件存储,上传,删除。
* <a target="_blank" href="">simple-ueditor</a> Ueditor 的简化版
* <a target="_blank" href="">translug</a> 中文的 url slug 支持
* <a target="_blank" href="">AetherUpload-Laravel</a> Upload big files for Laravel
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-middleware-cache-response</a> Laravel中间件-Response缓存 
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-tail</a> An artisan command to tail your application logs 
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-soft-cascade</a> Cascade Delete & Restore when using Laravel SoftDeletes 
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-Throttle</a> A rate limiter for Laravel 5 
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-geoip</a> Determine the geographical location of website visitors based on their IP addresses.  
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-ban</a> Laravel Ban simplify blocking and banning Eloquent models.  
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-love</a> Rate Eloquent models with Likes and Dislikes.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-talk</a> Talk is a Laravel 5 based realtime users messaging and chatting system
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-credentials</a> Add encrypted credentials to your Laravel production environment.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-confirm-email</a> Add email verification to your Laravel projects
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-region</a> laravel **省市区联动数据生成
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-ding-notice</a> 钉钉推送机器人消息发送laravel扩展包
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-fulltext</a> Fulltext indexing and searching for Laravel
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-swoole</a> High performance HTTP server based on Swoole. Speed up your Laravel or Lumen applications.
* <a target="_blank" href="">migrations-generator</a> Laravel Migrations Generator: Automatically generate your migrations from an existing database schema.
* <a target="_blank" href="">adminLTE-for-laravel</a> AdminLTE backstage template for laravel 
* <a target="_blank" href="">Presenter</a> Easy view presenters in your apps.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-backup</a> A package to backup your Laravel app
* <a target="_blank" href="">administrator</a> a fork from Frozennode/Administrator
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-hashids</a> A Hashids bridge for Laravel
* <a target="_blank" href="">myflash</a> Flash Message For Laravel5
* <a target="_blank" href="">Background-Template-For-Laravel5</a> Background-Template-For-Laravel5
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-editormd</a> For Laravel5(支持七牛存储)
* <a target="_blank" href="">LogViewer</a> Provides a log viewer for Laravel 5
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-mongodb</a> A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent)
* <a target="_blank" href="">LaravelInstaller</a> A web installer for Laravel
* <a target="_blank" href="">voyager</a> Voyager - The Missing Laravel Admin
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-video-chat</a> Laravel Video Chat using Socket.IO and WebRTC
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-smart</a> 
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravolt/avatar</a> laravolt/avatar
* <a target="_blank" href="">Laravel-Excel</a> Laravel Flavoured PhpSpreadsheet
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-twbs4</a> Laravel 5 frontend preset for Twitter Bootstrap 4
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-dotenv-editor</a> A Laravel package for editing the .env file dynamically.
* <a target="_blank" href="">sudo-su</a> Laravel package to easily login as other users during development.
* <a target="_blank" href="">laraedit-docker</a> Dockerized version of Laravel Homestead
* <a target="_blank" href="">rbac-laravel</a> rbac-laravel
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-dump-server</a> Bring Symfony's Var-Dump Server to Laravel
* <a target="_blank" href="">forsun-laravel</a> 高性能的定时调度服务。
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-sso</a> laravel-sso。
* <a target="_blank" href="">laravel-query-builder</a> Easily build Eloquent queries from API requests.

Awesome Laravel