
Barter and Swapping Goods Web Application.

Primary LanguageVue

###To run locally

  1. Install postgresSQL https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Install both server and web dependecies by running npm install or yarn install
  4. Run PSQL Console and paste this code CREATE DATABASE 'swupp-local-dev-db'
  5. Lastly run this command 'npm run dev' on both server and web folder.

###Deployment For SERVER DEPLOYMENT RUN THIS ON ROOT FOLDER CONSOLE git subtree push --prefix server heroku-server master

For WEB DEPLOYMENT RUN THIS ON ROOT FOLDER CONSOLE git subtree push --prefix web heroku-web master


  1. Modals in components folder MakeOfferListModal.vue SendOfferModal.vue
  2. Message page frontend localhost:3000/messages