
Shareable stylelint config for CSS and SCSS, following Torchbox’s code style.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Shareable stylelint config for CSS and SCSS, following Torchbox’s code style.


Install stylelint, and the config:

npm install --save-dev stylelint stylelint-config-torchbox

Then configure stylelint to use this config. As a stylelint.config.js in the root of your project:

module.exports = {
  // See https://github.com/torchbox/stylelint-config-torchbox for rules.
  extends: 'stylelint-config-torchbox',


Linting setup for ongoing projects

Review our CHANGELOG for guidance on how to upgrade a project’s linting to a specific version.

More generally, when retrofitting stricter linting onto an existing project, consider a gradual approach to linting strictness, so you can start using linting without having to change significant portions of the project’s code. Here is an example, disabling commonly hard-to-retrofit rules:

// Rules which we ideally would want to enforce but are reporting too many issues currently.
const legacyRules = {
  'max-nesting-depth': null,
  'selector-max-specificity': null,

module.exports = {
  // See https://github.com/torchbox/stylelint-config-torchbox for rules.
  extends: 'stylelint-config-torchbox',
  rules: {

Common CLI flags

We recommend the following run script to add to your package.json:

"lint:css": "stylelint --report-needless-disables 'src/sass' 'src/vue'"
  • Use --report-needless-disables flag to ensure you do not use more stylelint-disable comments than needed.
  • Target specific folders so Stylelint doesn’t attempt to lint e.g. JS or HTML files.


Stylelint supports ignore patterns in a .stylelintignore file, however we tend not to use this since we lint all files within a given folder.


This config is Prettier-compatible, there isn’t anything extra needed.


This config should work with Tailwind with no adjustments needed. Please submit an issue if that’s not the case.


Here is a sample setup with our recommended configuration for the pre-commit pre-commit hook framework:

  node: system
  - repo: https://github.com/thibaudcolas/pre-commit-stylelint
    rev: v15.10.3
      - id: stylelint
        files: \.(scss|vue)$
          - stylelint@15.10.3
          - stylelint-config-torchbox@3.0.0


Stylelint supports Vue, and our configuration is usable in .vue single-file components with no changes. Do make sure linting is configured to check .vue files:

  • Wherever stylelint is manually invoked, make sure to point it both at stylesheets, and Vue components: stylelint --report-needless-disables './src/sass' './src/vue_components'.
  • With stylelint-webpack-plugin, use extensions: ['scss', 'vue'],.
  • With pre-commit, use files: \.(scss|vue)$.

Related tools

To get the most out of this config, it is assumed that projects have the following tools set up:

What’s included

See config.js for the config definition. This package includes configuration from:


For the full list of enabled, disabled, and unused rules, view src/rules.md.

Custom rules

Inherited rules


See the contribution guidelines for guidance and setup instructions.