
Plugins or rules to consider for inclusion

thibaudcolas opened this issue · 1 comments

We didn’t have time to look at additional plugins we could benefit from – here is the list I wanted us to consider:

  • stylelint-declaration-block-no-ignored-properties: does not seem valuable enough
  • stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features: too opinionated
  • stylelint-a11y: reviewed with @SimonDEvans, we’ll add some rules that seem like they could catch occasional issues
  • stylelint-order properties-order: not valuable enough / too opinionated

Rules to add:


We will be enabling the following:

+        'a11y/content-property-no-static-value': true,
+        'a11y/no-obsolete-attribute': true,
+        'a11y/no-obsolete-element': true,
+        'a11y/no-text-align-justify': true,
+        'a11y/no-outline-none': true,


    "scale-unlimited/declaration-strict-value": [
        "ignoreKeywords": ["currentColor", "inherit", "transparent", "initial"],