
Apache Traffic Server ingress controller for Kubernetes

Primary LanguagePerl

Apache Traffic Server ingress controller for Kubernetes

THIS SOFTWARE IS UNMAINTAINED. This old implementation of the TS ingress controller is deprecated. It has several outstanding bugs, many missing features, and will not receive any further updates. Please see https://github.com/torchbox/k8s-ts-ingress for a newer, actively developed version of the TS ingress controller.

This is a Kubernetes ingress controller using Apache Traffic Server. It uses our Docker image of Traffic Server 7.0.

We have been using this internally for several months without issues, but make no guarantees about its suitability for production. Please report any problems you run into.

To enable it as a Deployment, exposed as port 30080 (http) and 30443 (https) on nodes:

$ kubectl apply -f trafficserver-ds.yml

You will need some sort of external load balancer to distribute incoming requests to the controller.

It will poll for changes to ingress resources every 30 seconds.

The current TS configuration is very opinionated about how caching and proxying should work. PRs to make it more configurable are welcome. (Either via environment variables, or by attributes on the ingress resource.)

For persistent cache storage, mount a volume on /var/lib/trafficserver. This can be an emptyDir; necessary files will be created at startup.


Environment variables:

  • TS_CACHE_SIZE: Size of the on-disk cache file to create, in megabytes.
  • ROUTE_DEIS: If set, Traffic Server will router Deis applications, replacing the Deis router. (Experimental and unsupported; this will likely be removed at some point in the future, as we no longer use Deis.)

In addition, any TS configuration (records.config) setting can be overridden in the environment:



SSL is supported via tls attributes on the ingress. This supports automatic certificate issuance when used with a service like kube-lego.