
A Bitcoin clone using Python

Primary LanguagePython

PyCoin Readme

	Python 3
	Tkinter (for Python 3)  (sudo apt-get install python3-tk)
	PyCrypto  (sudo pip install pycrypto)  or install from https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto
	sqlite3  (sudo apt-get install sqlite3)

To run:
	1. Start the server (once)
		navigate to the PyCoin folder and run
		sh ./pycoin_server.sh

		Press Ctrl-c to stop the server

	2. Start a client (in a separate shell per client)
		navigate to the PyCoin folder and run
		sh ./pycoin.sh

		Press Ctrl-q to quit

Make sure the server is running before any clients are started

While running:
	1. Determine your public PyCoin address by clicking the menu item.
	2. Give this address to another client that you want to accept payment from
	3. Paste another client's address into your client to give PyCoins to them.
	4. Enter an amount into the 'BitCoin amount' area.
	5. Press 'Send BitCoins'

	Optional - 
		1. Verify the block chain by clicking its menu item. 
		2. View output in console