
Concurrent streaming upload to Amazon S3

Primary LanguageGo


Stream to S3 from stdin using concurrent, multipart uploading.

Intended for use with sources that stream data fairly slowly (like RDS dumps), such that getting the initial data is the dominant bottleneck. It is also useful to upload large files as quickly as possible using concurrent multipart uploading.

Traditionally (eg, using s3cmd) you would have to wait to get all the data (possibly compressing it), write to a local temporary file, then upload this file to S3--either monolithically or multipart[1].

With s3_uploader, you pipe your data in via stdin (compressing/encrypting earlier in the pipeline if necessary) and s3_uploader streams to temporary files and when chunk_size is reached, a goroutine is spawned that uploads that chunk to S3. By adjusting the chunk size[2] according to the input rate and your S3 upload speed you can essentially stream the data to S3 as it comes in, without having to store the entire thing as a temporary file first. Data sources of any size can be used (only tiny amounts of data are buffered in RAM) as long as you have a reasonable amount of temporary disk space. In most cases you do not need to have enough space to store the entire data set on disk at once since individual chunks are deleted after being uploaded to S3 (however if your uploads are really slow it's possible for many chunks to acculumlate on disk while being concurrently uploaded).

  1. Note that s3cmd on Linux only does sequential multipart uploads, as of the current version (1.5.x).
  2. S3 has a maximum multipart count of 10000, therefore: total_input_size / chunk_size <= 10000
Usage of ./s3_uploader:
  -acl="bucket-owner-full-control": ACL for new object
  -bucket="": S3 bucket name (required)
  -chunk_size=50MB: multipart upload chunk size (bytes, understands standard suffixes like "KB", "MB", "MiB", etc.)
  -expected_size=0: expected input size (fail if out of bounds)
  -key="": S3 key name (required; use / notation for folders)
  -mime_type="binary/octet-stream": Content-type (MIME type)
  -region="us-west-2": AWS S3 region
  -retries=4: number of retry attempts per chunk upload
  -sse=false: use server side encryption

Usage Examples:


$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY="foobar"
$ AWS_SECRET_KEY="s3cr3t"
$ mysqldump --host $DB_HOST --user=$DB_USER --password=$DB_PASSWORD |pigz |s3_uploader -region "${S3_REGION}" -bucket "${S3_BUCKET}" -key "${S3_KEY}" -sse -chunk–size 25MiB

Local file:

$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY="foobar"
$ AWS_SECRET_KEY="s3cr3t"
$ s3_uploader -region "${S3_REGION}" -bucket "${S3_BUCKET}" -key "${S3_KEY}" -sse -chunk_size 25MiB < my_large_file.dat