
Scripts to setup, manage and render tiles and provide stats for a tileserver

Primary LanguagePython

This is a set of scripts to operate a tileserver based on
OSM2World. Everything needed is contained in this repository
and you're adviced to checkout the repository at once and link
the subdirectories/files to the appropriate locations.

== Software Requirements ==

* webserver
* python
* rrdtools
* mapsplit (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mapsplit)
* osm2world (http://osm2world.org/)
* tilegen (https://github.com/PedaB/png_tilegen)
* ...

== Hardware Requirements ==

* A current core i7 can render around 200-250 tiles per hour
* at least 8 GB Ram
* much disc space (Germany requires around 3TB)

== Scripts ==

There is a central configuration file (TODO) that will be used
by all scripts. At  the moment you still have to check each file
and configure it for your needs

== Website ==

The website (web/) consists of different parts:

* the slippy map html page (slippymap.html)
* a directory containing the rendered tiles (web/tiles/). Remember to
  have enough free space for this as tiles might get quite large!
* a directory containing php files to dynamicaly generate a 
  timestamp overlay and to extract single tile files out of 
  the packed tile files (web/meta/)
* additional scripts to aid in debugging tiles and request
  rerendering of tiles (web/browse/)

== Running ==

After you have setup everything (remember to get the isocore textures
for OSM2World, too!) start a endless loop like this:
   while ( true ) ; do ./process_tiles.py ; sleep 2 ; done

If you additionally want to be able to do manual rerender requests you
should also add a call to ./cron_script.py

== TODO ==

There's much work to do, most importantly the scripts should use a 
global and central configuration file. At some point the render process
should be switched to daemon mode or live rendering.