
simple repo to test act on github actions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Making the Solar System Local

This is a version of Solar System Github Actions repo that's been adapted to run locally using the act utility, a very cool widget that runs Github Action workflows on your local system.

It has some limitations, but fewer than you'd think. You'll need to:

  • Put your variables in a .vars file
  • Put your secrets in a .secrets file
  • Have a local docker server, e.g., Docker Desktop.

My workflow with act looks like this:

  1. Make changes on my local branch and copy.

  2. Check in the branch and push it to github

  3. Run act. My invocation looks like this:

    act --artifact-server-path ./artifact
  4. That's pretty much it.

Changes to Solar System

Since I was trying to debug course related problems in order to help support the course for KodeKloud, I ended up updating the javascript app to run as modules (easier for me to debug) and created a docker container of the app that I could use as a service. Since act handles vars and secrets by using dot files (and does not understand GitHub environments), my vars and secrets are:

  • .vars: These are used by my docker container

    • MONGO_USERNAME=student
    • MONGO_URI="mongodb://"
  • .secrets:

    • MONGO_PASSWORD: secret you want the Mongo container to use.
    • KUBE_CONFIG: a kubeconfig that points to a k8s cluster that the local cluster can see. This needs to be any IP address except, since act uses this in its run container. And the azure plugins are annoyingly picky as to the format of it. What worked for me:
     export FORMATTED=$(kubectl config view --raw \
       -o json | jq -c | sed 's/"/\\"/g' )