Group project for course IT1901 - Informatics, Project I at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
Tenk deg at du skal lage et system for en gjeng i en studentfestival som har ansvar for å arrangere konserter på flere scener, som involverer rigging av scene, teknisk gjennomføring av konserter, samt booking av band.
Imagine that you are developing a system on behalf of a student festival that is responsible for arranging concerts on several scenes. The system should handle stage rigging, technical conducting concerts, and band booking.
- Install requirements (Optional: install in Virtualenv)
- git clone into desired folder
- Run database migrations with command "python migrate"
- Create superuser with command "python createsuperuser"
- Load test data with command "python loaddata usertest.json"
- Run server with command "python runserver"
- Go to http://localhost:8000 and enjoy!
- You may enter http://localhost:8000/admin to manage the system.