
ERROR Warning: BottomTabNavigator: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.

Koykoy200078 opened this issue · 11 comments

Screenshot 2024-05-02 101021

ERROR Warning: BottomTabNavigator: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.

// package,json
"react": "18.3.1",
"react-native": "0.74.0",
"react-native-animated-nav-tab-bar": "^3.1.10",

import { AnimatedTabBarNavigator } from 'react-native-animated-nav-tab-bar'

const Tab = AnimatedTabBarNavigator()
const TabBar = () => {
const { order_count: orderCount } = useSelector((state) => state.order)

return (
			tabBarBackground: '#ffffff',
			activeColors: '#ffffff',
			activeTabBackgrounds: Colors.primaryColorDark,
			dotSize: 'large',
		screenOptions={({ route }) => ({
			headerShown: false,
			tabBarIcon: ({ focused, color = '#000', size }) => {
				let iconName
				let iconSize
				if ( === Routes.HOME) {
					iconName = focused ? 'view-dashboard' : 'view-dashboard-outline'
					return <Icons.MaterialCommunityIcons name={iconName} size={23} color={color} />
				} else if ( === Routes.POS) {
					iconSize = focused ? 23 : 23
					const iconNew = focused ? <Icons.MaterialIcons name={'shopping-cart'} size={iconSize} color={color} /> : <Icons.MaterialCommunityIcons name={'cart-outline'} size={iconSize} color={color} />
					return iconNew
				} else if ( === Routes.ORDERS) {
					iconName = focused ? 'basket' : 'basket-outline'
					iconSize = focused ? 23 : 23
					return <TabBadgeIcon name={iconName} size={iconSize} badgeCount={orderCount} color={color} focused={focused} />
				} else if ( === Routes.CASHFLOW) {
					iconName = focused ? 'cash-fast' : 'cash'
					return <Icons.MaterialCommunityIcons name={iconName} size={23} color={color} />
				} else if ( === Routes.SETTINGS) {
					iconName = focused ? 'settings' : 'settings-outline'
					return <Icons.Ionicons name={iconName} size={23} color={color} />
			tabBarHideOnKeyboard: true,
			keyboardHidesTabBar: true,
		<Tab.Screen name={Routes.HOME} component={Home} />
		<Tab.Screen name={Routes.POS} component={POS} />
		<Tab.Screen name={Routes.ORDERS} component={Orders} />
		<Tab.Screen name={Routes.CASHFLOW} component={CashFlow} />
		<Tab.Screen name={Routes.SETTINGS} component={Settings} />


alos having the same issue after i updated this package

I am also having same issue when I updated from Expo 50 to 51

ERROR Warning: BottomTabNavigator: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components in a future major release. Use JavaScript default parameters instead.

I updated react-native-animated-nav-tab-bar which is related to that, I am still having same issue

Same issue, this repo needs some love.

Issue is at the bottom of this file. Not sure if PR's are accepted? If so should be easy to fix:

I am not using typescript in my app, I am simply importing react-native-animated-nav-tab-bar package in my app

I know it needs some love, but I've been quite restricted by time and other commitments haha.

PRs and contributions are absolutely welcome!

I know it needs some love, but I've been quite restricted by time and other commitments haha.

PRs and contributions are absolutely welcome!

No worries, I created the PR:

This has now been fixed, please upgrade to latest version.

Thanks for merging the pr!