A simple and customisable React Native component that implements an animated bottom tab bar for React Navigation.
- alexnowik
- alradadi
- amandeeptherockstarIndia
- aoldeKlarna
- apipemc@Red-Valley
- brooklyn097
- chakrihackerHyderabad
- clement-godardLEGO Group
- damithg-dev@ViCode-Technology
- edosssa@zappie
- emilemoureau
- erhanbicerInnovance Consultancy
- fbartho
- giautm@ariga
- gugakatsi
- hardzorkBelém, Brazil
- ilhantekirErka Grup
- IronTony
- janhesters
- JureSotosek@microsoft
- just1and0@OrthoHQ
- kkleeez
- ledzep9012Bangalore
- mor10amTeleperformance Nordic
- moretti@marvelapp
- mvpdream
- nandorojoBeatGig
- pavermakov
- sirakoff
- SteffenHummel@hornbach
- thame
- tiendnVietnam
- VictorLi08@EnsorcellEngineering
- VictorYuan666Hangzhou China
- weizhiyangcleargrass
- WrathChaosAlbert AB