- 0
System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000030 from typeref (expected class 'Microsoft.JSInterop.Json' in assembly 'Microsoft.JSInterop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60')
#21 opened by lhtuling - 1
Error: System.ArgumentException: The assembly does not contain a public invokable method with [JSInvokableAttribute("DevToolsReady")].
#20 opened by OscarCanek - 8
- 0
AddScoped instead of AddSingleton
#17 opened by iAmBipinPaul - 1
Question: Best alternative to inheriting base class
#14 opened by Sire - 1
Nuget package update.
#13 opened by sergeysolin - 6
Blazor 0.5.0
#10 opened by jens-ribbholm - 3
- 2
- 2
- 2
Cannot build from master
#2 opened by xperiandri - 3
- 5
MediatR integration
#1 opened by StevenTCramer