TagLib For Valac
- meson
- libtag1-dev
- libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev
- libglib2.0-dev
Run meson
to configure the build environment and then ninja
to build and run automated tests
meson build --prefix=/usr
cd build
To install, use ninja install
sudo ninja install
meson.get_compiler('cpp').find_library('inytag', required : false),
- name: inytag
buildsystem: meson
- type: git
url: https://github.com/torikulhabib/inytag.git
tag: master
Example write with valac:
M4A Tag write:
var file_mp4 = new InyTag.Mp4_File ("File Path");
file_mp4.mp4_tag.title = "foo";
file_mp4.mp4_tag.artist = "foo";
file_mp4.mp4_tag.album = "foo";
file_mp4.mp4_tag.genre = "foo";
file_mp4.mp4_tag.comment = "foo";
file_mp4.mp4_tag.year = (int) 2021;
file_mp4.mp4_tag.track = (int) 0;
InyTag.Mp4_Picture picture = new InyTag.Mp4_Picture ();
picture.set_file (InyTag.Format_Type.JPEG, "image path");
file_mp4.tag_mp4.set_item_picture (picture);
file_mp4.save ();
Clear M4A Tag:
var file_mp4 = new InyTag.Mp4_File ("File Path");
file_mp4.mp4_tag.title = "";
file_mp4.mp4_tag.artist = "";
file_mp4.mp4_tag.album = "";
file_mp4.mp4_tag.genre = "";
file_mp4.mp4_tag.comment = "";
file_mp4.mp4_tag.year = (int) 0;
file_mp4.mp4_tag.track = (int) 0;
file_mp4.remove_picture ();
file_mp4.save ();
Read M4A Tag:
var file_mp4 = new InyTag.Mp4_File ("File Path");
string title = file_mp4.mp4_tag.title;
string artist = file_mp4.mp4_tag.artist;
string album = file_mp4.mp4_tag.album;
string genre = file_mp4.mp4_tag.genre;
string comment = file_mp4.mp4_tag.comment;
int year = file_mp4.mp4_tag.year;
int track = file_mp4.mp4_tag.track;
int bitrate = file_mp4.audioproperties.bitrate;
int samplerate = file_mp4.audioproperties.samplerate;
int channel = file_mp4.audioproperties.channels;
int lhenght = file_mp4.audioproperties.length;
// Read Picture as gdkPixbuf
InyTag.Mp4_Picture picture = file_mp4.tag_mp4.get_item_picture ();
InyTag.ByteVector vector = picture.get_picture (InyTag.Format_Type.JPEG);
Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = vector.get_pixbuf ();
FLAC Tag write:
var file_flac = new InyTag.Flac_File ("File Path");
file_flac.flac_tag.title = "foo";
file_flac.flac_tag.artist = "foo";
file_flac.flac_tag.album = "foo";
file_flac.flac_tag.genre = "foo";
file_flac.flac_tag.comment = "foo";
file_flac.flac_tag.year = (int) 2021;
file_flac.flac_tag.track = (int) 2;
InyTag.Flac_Picture picture_flac = new InyTag.Flac_Picture ();
picture_flac.mime_type = "mymetype";
picture_flac.type = InyTag.Img_Type.FrontCover;
picture_flac.set_picture ("Image Path");
file_flac.add_picture (picture_flac);
file_flac.save ();
Clear FLAC Tag :
var file_flac = new InyTag.Flac_File ("File Path");
file_flac.flac_tag.title = "";
file_flac.flac_tag.artist = "";
file_flac.flac_tag.album = "";
file_flac.flac_tag.genre = "";
file_flac.flac_tag.comment = "";
file_flac.flac_tag.year = (int) 0;
file_flac.flac_tag.track = (int) 0;
//Choose option remove picture available all and part
// remove all picture
file_flac.remove_all_picture ();
// remove picture in type
file_flac.remove_picture (InyTag.Img_Type.FrontCover);
// save tag
file_flac.save ();
Read Flac tag :
var file_flac = new InyTag.Flac_File ("file path");
string title = file_flac.flac_tag.title;
string artist = file_flac.flac_tag.artist;
string album = file_flac.flac_tag.album;
string genre = file_flac.flac_tag.genre;
string comment = file_flac.flac_tag.comment;
int year = (int) file_flac.flac_tag.year;
int trck = (int) file_flac.flac_tag.track;
int bitrate = file_flac.audioproperties.bitrate
int sample rate = file_flac.audioproperties.samplerate;
int channel = file_flac.audioproperties.channels;
int lhtnght = file_flac.audioproperties.length;
// read as GDK pixbuf
InyTag.Flac_Picture picflac = file_flac.get_picture (InyTag.Img_Type.FrontCover);
InyTag.ByteVector vector = picflac.get_picture ();
var pixbuf = vector.get_pixbuf ();
MPEG Tag ID3V2 Write:
var file_mpg = new InyTag.Mpeg_File ("file path");
var frampic = new InyTag.ID3v2_Attached_Picture_Frame ();
var framcomm = new InyTag.Attached_Comment_Frame ();
file_mpg.id3v2_tag.add_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.TITLE, "foo";);
file_mpg.id3v2_tag.add_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.LEADARTIST, "foo";);
file_mpg.id3v2_tag.add_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.ALBUM, "foo";);
file_mpg.id3v2_tag.add_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.CONTENTTYPE, "foo";);
framcomm.set_encording (InyTag.String_Type.UTF16);
framcomm.set_text ("foo";);
file_mpg.id3v2_tag.add_comment_frame (framcomm);
file_mpg.id3v2_tag.add_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.TRACKNUM, "2021");
file_mpg.id3v2_tag.add_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.YEARV2, "2");
frampic.mime_type = "Mymetype";
frampic.type = InyTag.Img_Type.FrontCover;
frampic.set_picture ("Image Path");
file_mpg.id3v2_tag.add_picture_frame (frampic);
file_mpg.save ();
Read MPEG Tag ID3V2;
var file_mpg = new InyTag.Mpeg_File (File.new_for_uri ("file path");
string title = file_mpg.id3v2_tag.get_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.TITLE);
string artist = file_mpg.id3v2_tag.get_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.LEADARTIST);
string album = file_mpg.id3v2_tag.get_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.ALBUM);
string genre = file_mpg.id3v2_tag.get_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.CONTENTTYPE);
string comment = file_mpg.id3v2_tag.get_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.COMMENT);;
int track = int.parse (file_mpg.id3v2_tag.get_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.TRACKNUM));
int year = int.parse (file_mpg.id3v2_tag.get_text_frame (InyTag.Frame_ID.YEARV2));
int bitrate = file_mpg.audioproperties.bitrate;
int samplerate = file_mpg.audioproperties.samplerate;
int channel = file_mpg.audioproperties.channels;
int lenght file_mpg.audioproperties.length;
// Get picture as GDK pixbuf
InyTag.ID3v2_Attached_Picture_Frame picture = file_mpg.id3v2_tag.get_picture_frame (InyTag.Img_Type.FrontCover);
InyTag.ByteVector vector = picture.get_picture ();
var pixbuf = vector.get_pixbuf ();
MPEG Tag ID3V1 Write:
var file_mpg = new InyTag.Mpeg_File ("file payh");
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.title = "foo";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.artist = "foo";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.album = "foo";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.genre = "foo";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.comment = "foo";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.year = 2021;
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.track = 1;
file_mpg.save ();
Read MPEG ID3V1:
var file_mpg = new InyTag.Mpeg_File ("file payh");
string title = file_mpg.mpeg_tag.title;
string artist = file_mpg.mpeg_tag.artist;
string album = file_mpg.mpeg_tag.album;
string genre = file_mpg.mpeg_tag.genre;
string comment = file_mpg.mpeg_tag.comment;
int year = file_mpg.mpeg_tag.year;
int treck = file_mpg.mpeg_tag.track;
var file_mpg = new InyTag.Mpeg_File ("file path");
file_mpg.id3v2_tag.remove_all ();
file_mpg.save ();
MPEG Clear Tag ID3V1
var file_mpg = new InyTag.Mpeg_File ("file path");
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.title = "";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.artist ="";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.album = "";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.genre = "";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.comment = "";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.year = 0;
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.track = 0;
file_mpg.save ();
MPEG Clear ID3V1 And ID3V2
var file_mpg = new InyTag.Mpeg_File ("file path");
file_mpg.id3v2_tag.remove_all ();
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.title = "";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.artist ="";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.album = "";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.genre = "";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.comment = "";
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.year = 0;
file_mpg.mpeg_tag.track = 0;
file_mpg.save ();