
Met.no Nowcast component for Home Assistant

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Met.no Nowcast component for Home Assistant

Add precipitation nowcast to your Home Assistant. This component will add a weather sensor with data from the met.no precipitation nowcast service.

The weather sensor holds precipitation data for the next 90 minutes. Detailed precipitation data is available in the forecast attribute.

Only available for locations in the Nordic area.


  • Ensure that HACS is installed.
  • In HACS / Integrations / menu / Custom repositories, add the url the this repository.
  • Search for and install the Met.no Nowcast integration.
  • Restart Home Assistant.


Configuration of the integration is done through Configuration > Integrations where you enter coordinates.

Display precipitation

To display the precipitation data, use your choice of charting component.

Example configuration using apexcharts-card

Replace <entity_id> with your entity id.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
    height: 170px
  show: true
  floating: true
  title: Precipitation next 90 minuntes
  show_states: false
  colorize_states: true
  - entity: <entity_id>
    type: area
    stroke_width: 0
    data_generator: |
      const f = JSON.parse(entity.attributes.forecast_json)
      return f.map(s=>[s.datetime,s.precipitation])
  start: minute
graph_span: 100min
  - show: false
    min: 0
layout: minimal

Precipitation chart


Name your device debug to get random precipitation data in the range from 0 to 10.