
M5Stack GPS Speed Meter

Primary LanguageC

GPS Speed Meter for Car
M5Stack-Core and Core2 both avairable

  • Display GPS speed, altitude, heading
  • Automatic dimmer while 18:00 - 6:00 JST
  • Logging NMEA data to SD card (temporary avairable only M5Stack-Core2)


M5Stack + M5STACK-GPS-02(NEO-M8N)

How to use

Configure GPS Module (First Time)

  1. Download U-Center(https://www.u-blox.com/en/product/u-center)
  2. Connect M5Stack to PC
  3. Select 9600bps while opening (push & hold the left button)
  4. Configure GPS Module
    • Change Baud to 115200bps
    • Select update interval (1Hz, 5Hz, 10Hz)
    • Stop unnecessary data output

Configure GPS Module (Second Time)

After you changed GPS moudle baud to 115200bps, you have to select 115200bps at opening display to connect PC.


If you don't want to configure GPS module, please change "hSerial.begin(115200);" to "hSerial.begin(9600);".
Update interval is fixed to 1Hz.