
Replication package for the manuscript `Pandemic Programming`

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Replication package for the manuscript Pandemic Programming

The replication package also consists of a more user friendly document of the structural equation modeling. The latest version can be viewed https://torkar.github.io/pandemic_programming/.

Project structure

+-- Rmd/                        # 
|   +-- Analysis for PP.Rmd     # The `Rmd`, which you can knit in `RStudio`
+-- analysis/                   # 
|   +-- SEM.R                   # Main analysis script for confirmatory factor analysis and structural 
|   |                           # equation modeling (see also `Rmd/`)
|   +-- BDAMLMs.R               # Analysis script with Bayesian multilevel models (reviewers might want 
|                               # to have more details; here's plenty of it)
+-- covid-19-recoding/          # Code for testing H1 and H2 and creating the histograms in the manuscript,
|                               # and export script to move all variable recoding if needed
+-- data/
|   +-- export_2020-04-16.csv   # All data in `CSV` format
+-- docs/
|   +-- index.html              # The html generated from the `Rmd` once knitted
+-- replication/                # 
|   +-- cleaning instructions/  # Instructions for how to clean/recode questionnaire data
    |   +-- clean.docx          # Cleaning instructions
    |   +-- recode.xlsx         # Recode instructions
    +-- Questionnaires/
        +-- *.pdf               # Questionnaire in 12 languages
+-- README.md                   # This file
+-- pandemic_programming.Rproj  # Open this in `RStudio` workspace to set working directory

Where to start?

If you are interested in ...

  • the code for the main analysis in the paper then check analysis/SEM.R
  • running the code then please have a look at Rmd/ instead, where an Rmd file can be executed
  • the html when running the Rmd, the file is published here
  • asking questions given a posterior probability distribution see analysis/BDAMLMs.R
  • getting your hands on the data, please see the data/ directory
  • if you want to replicate this study, please see replication/