eBillett PHP

A simple class for getting eBillett entries in PHP.


You can install eBillett PHP using both composer or a manual include. The class is namespaced under eBillett.


Require using composer

composer require tormorten/ebillett

Include the composer autoloader in your project

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Manual include

Include the class file

include 'src/eBillett.php';


The syntax for the class is quite simple

Create a new instance

$ebillett = new \eBillett\eBillett(1234);

Get all entries

$entries = $ebillett->get();

Get a single entry by show ID

$entry = $ebillett->get(54321);

Or get it in one single line

$entry = (new \eBillett\eBillett(1234))->get(54321);