
"If non-Java programmers find some library useful and easy to access, it should be similarly accessible to Java programmers." - Interconnecting JVM and native code. Tutorials, learning by examples

Primary LanguageJava

Panama Tutorial

Warning: I'm quite new to C/C++ and programming Windows! It is likely that I'm following bad practices and giving just inappropriate examples. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions!

"I am always ready to learn, but I do not always like to be taught." – Winston Churchill


  • 001 - Java calls C void method without parameters, C writes to console - gcc
  • 002 - C returns the sum of the two passed int parameters - gcc
  • 003 - C returns the center Point of two Point structs - gcc
  • 004 - Java calls C++ main (default entry point) and main2 without parameters, avoid name mangling, C++ writes to stdout - g++
  • 005 - Java calls C++/WinRT and prints number of devices to stdout by using Windows Runtime (WinRT) - Visual Studio 2019 solution and MSBuild


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