
File synchronization between any computers with or without using the cloud | Proof of concept

Primary LanguageJava

Sync - File synchronization

Sync is just proof of concept to demonstrate that file synchronization is not necessarily super difficult and can be fast. Remember: it is just a PoC and not something ready for production use.

  • Java: JDK8
  • Maven: 3.3.9
  • Jubos/fake-s3 for localhost development and e2e tests
  • MongoDB for localhost development and e2e tests
    • Install it as a windows service
      • Create config file: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\mongod.cfg
      bind_ip =
      dbpath = C:\mongodb\data\db
      logpath = C:\mongodb\log\mongo-server.log
      • Create data and log directories
        • C:\mongodb\data\db\
      • C:\mongodb\log\
      • $ mongod --config "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin\mongod.cfg" --install
    • Create root:root user
      • $ mongo --port 27017
      • $ use admin
      • $ db.createUser( { user: "root", pwd: "root", roles: [ "root" ] } )
IntelliJ IDEA setup
  • How to start local server

    • Add New Configuration
    • Name: server-localhost
    • Main class: com.github.tornaia.sync.server.ServerApp
    • Program arguments: --spring.profiles.active=real-mongo-local,jubos-s3-faker
    • Use classpath of module: sync-server
  • How to start client against local server

    • Add New Configuration
    • Name: client-localhost-1
    • Main class: com.github.tornaia.sync.client.win.WinClientApp
    • Program arguments: --spring.profiles.active=localhost-1
    • Use classpath of module: sync-client-win
  • How to start client against cloud-deployed server

    • Add New Configuration
    • Name: client-cloud-1
    • Main class: com.github.tornaia.sync.client.win.WinClientApp
    • Program arguments: --spring.profiles.active=cloud-1
    • Use classpath of module: sync-client-win